
33, Female

Tulsa, OK

United States

Profile Information:

Tulsa, OK
About Me:
18 years old, taking a year off before college. Absolutely love dogs, I had a yorkshire terrier named Toto for 11 years, she was my best friend and unfortunately this summer when I was interning in Brasil, she ran away, and I believe she was stolen because she always always came back, I just pray whoever has her treats her as well as I did. :]
About My Corgi(s):
9-week old male pup named Gonzo, the cutest thing in the world, my first Corgi. I love him so much already!

Comment Wall:

  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Welcome! You are going to love being a corgi owner. They are a very smart breed and lots of fun!
  • Sylvia & Timmy

    I have to go and take Timmy out for some exercise and fun. I'm sure that others here on the site will be able to answer any other questions you may have.

    You might check on the PWCCA site and check for breeders in your area and contact those to see if they have any litters on the ground or ask for a referral. Be prepared for the "third degree" though! It's a good thing, but can be intimidating for the unprepared. (Just a warning, after all they guarantee and will take back the puppies throughout their lives, so they can be picky).

    I'm really sorry you didn't get the pup you thought, but perhaps it's so that the "right" one will be with you.
  • Amanda Poon

    Aw, thanks! I still think about how cute he is everyday. He's a purebred Pembroke.
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Tenley, Dr Gonzo and family!
  • Chris

    Well glad to see there's another Tulsa Corgi owner on here!
  • Ginny and Diggory

    I bet you're getting excited to get your puppy! Good luck with the puppy parenting :)
  • Jessica

    Congrats! Dr. Gonzo is sooo cute!!
  • Jessica

    They really do love eachother- they hate to be separated at all. They're my goofballs. LOL. So you get Dr. Gonzo next weekend? Chuck was so nervous when we first got him from the breeder. It took a few weeks for his personality to really come out... so if you do come across that don't sweat it.
  • Lauren + Winston

    Haha he's quite a gem... he's so weird. Hopefully your puppy can make you laugh as much as winbutt does
  • Alla

    Thanks for your nice comment, and yes, this waiting time will pass soon. Dr. Gonzo is the cutest, and you want him healthy too :)
  • Kristin

    Thank you for the nice compliments! Tank likes wearing his shirts, too bad our little Gunni is too small for them. She is smaller than the average corgi haha
  • Chantel & Princess Bella

    Yeah it might be a unique spot...you're right.
    He's so cute...reminds me alot of what my Bella looked like when I picked her up. I love corgis...they're the best dogs ever. My Bella is my little baby :)
  • Peyton, Dad, and Pearl

    What a gorgeous little guy! Get the chew toys ready! Hopefully Dr. will like toys more than hands and ears. Knock on wood. We've just had our Pearl for a little over a month. I've never been head over heels for any dog until we got her. Best of luck and enjoy your new one.
  • Sam Tsang

    Thanks Tenley! That was very helpful! I have a furminator and have always wondered if I overpaid :)