

Burnsville, MN

United States

Profile Information:

Grand Forks
About Me:
Just checking out this spot to see if there are any Corgi lovers in this area.
About My Corgi(s):
Penny is a cool Tri Female full of energy. She is 3 years old and is a blast to be around.

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Zak and Peny!
  • Chrissy

    Hey Zak! I'm glad you and Penny found the website : ) IT was nice meeting you and Penny the other day. She is a very sweet dog!
  • Cagney & Lacey & Chapin

    There are a ton of us Minnesota corgi owners on here. Welcome!
  • Chrissy

    Hey Zak and Penny! Did you see the meet and greet on the MN group page? This Sunday Sept. 21st around 1PM at Alimagnet Dog Park. Hope to you see you two there . . . .
  • Chrissy

    Hey Zak and Penny! I know this is a little last minute, however the MN corgi group will be meeting this saturday from 2-4 at the Burnsville Dog park. Here is there website Hopefully you can make it : )
  • Cagney & Lacey & Chapin

    Oh I do hope you can be there tomorrow. Every time we have been to the corgi socials our girls have been the only female corgis there. It would be great to have Penny there.
  • Cagney & Lacey & Chapin

    It was great to meet you and Penny. She is a sweet girl. Do accept us as a friend on here, that way I can easily check in on you guys from time to time.

    Both of our girls are totally sacked out now after all that romping around. We ran them over to the Petco by us and gave them both a bath. After running in the algae, mud and water they were a mess and stinky. Chapin more so than Cagney. Now they are clean and napping.