

South Riding, VA

United States

Profile Information:

Washington, DC
About Me:
I am married and live with my Husband and Nick in South Riding, VA.
About My Corgi(s):
I have a male Corgi named Nick. He is nine months old and just a joy!

Comment Wall:

  • Lil' Guinness

    Welcome to my corgi! I am getting my corgi in 2 days! I'm super excited!!!
    I can't wait for you to put up pictures of Nick!!! Have fun!
  • Franklin's Mommy

    Thank you so much for your advice! Especially about carrying him up the stairs, I had heard that before but I didn't realize there are developmental problems if they put too much pressure on their shoulders.. very good to know!
  • Lauren + Winston

    hi there friend :)
  • Randy & John

    Nick is one handsome boy!
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Julia, Nick and family!
  • Laura Jones

    he is a cutie
  • Tenley

    Hi Julia! I'm sure you've see a blueie, just probably didn't recognize the name. A blueie can be wite with shades of grey or black or black-blue, sometimes with blue eyes. If you look through the photos on this site you'll see a lot of beautiful blueies, they're so adorable and unique.:]