

United States

Profile Information:

Austin, TX
About Me:
I <3 Corgis!
About My Corgi(s):
Born on 3/14/06, Super Bun Bun has been an expert troublemaker for the last couple of years. Favorite hobbies include chasing the red dot that comes out from laser pointers and cat herding. But by far, his #1 hobby is cutting the cheese (as a gift to the owners)! His humans wish he would quit doing that.

Comment Wall:

  • WhiteDove

    Welcome Winj. . . .Super Bun Bun is adorable. . . .love those ears!!!!
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Winj and super bun bun!
  • Charlie

    Hi Winj! Thank you for the friend invite. On the rare occassion I see someone sign up for the Austin group, it reminds me I hardly ever check that board...not a very active group. LOL

    Anyway welcome! It would be nice to get a lorge enough group of Austin Corgi folks together to do a playdate.

    Are you north or south?
  • Winj

    Thanks for the welcomes everyone :)
  • Charlie

    I'm fairly close to Lakeline too, on the other side by the Walmart shopping center. I took Charlie to the new dog park in Round Rock last weekend. Not a lot to it on the small dog side (no shade trees) but the big dog side has some chairs and agility equipment. Maybe we can get a group together sometime, either there or Norwood Park off Riverside (more shade trees and chairs).
  • Kristen

    Welcome WINJ's and Super Bun Bun. If you figure a way to stop the flatulance please share!
  • Cindi

    Welcome! Sorry about the gas. Might try adding a dallop of plain yogurt to your food.
  • morgan

    Nice to meet you Bun Bun! Hope it cools down in Texas!
  • morgan

    Haven't heard from you in a while. How's things in TX? Morgan and Mitchell say hi!