

Nashville, Tennessee

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I am married with one child and 7 dogs of various varieties.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My corgi, Snoops, passed away this spring at the age of 13. I'd had him since he was 3. He was sort of a rescue. I grew up with corgis, Snoops was the 7th corgi in our extended family. My parents still have his sister from the same litter and her name is Sadie. Snoops experienced back problems with his advanced age. Possibly DM. In the end he not walking unassisted anymore. He used a wheel chair successfully the last 6 months of his life. I miss him a lot. We have too many other dogs at this time to get another corgi, but I imagine there will be another one in my life at some point in the future.
I have:
No corgi

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Kathryn, Snoops and family!
  • Kristen

    Welcome Kathryn and Snoops. He is truly handsome! My Basil used to like to spoon like that so youur profile pix just makes me smile--good memories. We have 7 dogs as well. four of them are Corgis, but no Cardis. Some day....
  • Michelle

    How sweet.. Your baby looks like a snuggle bunny!
  • Michelle

    Shut Up YES!!! Offspring of their dear Addie...Junior has a personality very much like him.
  • Virginia

    Hi Kathryn, Snoops is a pretty dog. Yogi had two spinal surgeries but we've discovered this is not the reason for the legs dragging. He had Degenerative Myelopathy which is a genetic disease found mostly in shepherds; the corgi being the only small dog that gets it. Ask your vet about it. Send off for the DNA test using a swab kit, $65. The cart is a loaner from CorgiAid. Because I rescued Yogi from a local shelter, we are able to borrow the cart. He hates it. He still has use of one leg somewhat and if he runs, he can use both back legs. A new cart varies in price around $300. What do you mean by Snoops being sort of a rescue? Keep me posted. Virg and Yogi
  • Virginia

    Go to: http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/wheelcorgis/ and join that group. You will learn a lot and be able to ask a lot of questions as well as find out if you are eligible. I got Yogi from a local shelter, Mavis too.
  • Gail L

    Hi Kathryn, I came across your page and noticed that your snoops has back problems. My Cobi who is 11 is experiencing some of the symtoms you describe to Virginia. He really started having trouble this weekend and the vet has started him on steriods to see if that would help. Just wondering if you ever got the cart and if so how that is working out for Snoops?
  • Gail L

    thank you, I would really appreciate it. Cobi does not seem to be in pain either, but yes it is sad to watch him. I'm am wondering now if Cobi has degenerative myelopathy and not the disc disease. Is there an actual test to determine this? Good luck with the cart on Saturday and let me know how it goes.
  • Gail L

    Just wondering how the cart tryout went? Also is there a specific test to check for the degenerative myelopathy? Hope it went well.