Kathy and Jillie

Greer,South Carolina

United States

Profile Information:

Greer,South Carolina
About Me:
We are parents of two children, our son is 24 yrs old and graduated from college, with a degree in psychology. He plays professional arena football, with the Columbus Lions. Our daughter is 20 years old and is a junior in college. We have a large pet family, 3 dogs, and 3 cats, so we are busy taking care of everyone. My husband works as a national sales manager and I am a kindergarten teacher . We love our family!!!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Our Corgi is a 2 year old female, red and white Pembroke,named Jillie! She is so smart and playful, she has a spunky personality. We are entertained by her constantly, she is a real joy for us!! Her favorite interests are playing fetch, chewies, playing with our other dogs, Samson and Jack! She also speaks her mind ....has a language of her own, she tries to keep everyone in line!
She is a little cuddlebug........so precious!!!!
I have:

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  • Chloe

    Let's be clear....Chloe only likes 'still' water! The waves at the beach send her running away like a scared pup :)

    Jillie may still grow into it....Chloe wasn't sure about it at first, but now she'll swim for hours in the lake!
  • Temple

    Thanks! Your little girl is adorable!
  • Chelsey

  • Dakota

    Jillie, thanks for the comment. By the list of comments you have ...i'm not the only one who thinks your cute too! I know you and i could tear up a neighborhood together !!

    High Paws!
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    thank you!! Gizmo is the black headed tri. the bumble bee is his nephew - Yogi, who is the newest member of our family. Our daughter and her husband recently got him from the same breeder that we got Gizmo. But his is precious.. we just love him to pieces. thanks!! Gail
  • Sylvia

    Thank you so much! I can't wait to bring him home! Do you have any tips?
  • Penny <3

    Thanks for the welcome! Jillie is an adorable one!
  • Benson Kuanji-Yau

    Thank You everyone for the warm welcome! You are all so friendly, and you have the most beautiful children too! (even though my Lab is a bit jealous...nevermind..he isn't anymore..he just found a ball) Wish you all well!
  • Rebekah Rueck

    Thanks for the warm welcome! Jillie looks about the same size as Gracie. :)
  • Peggy

    Thank you for your kind words. We are having a difficult time finding any Corgi puppies right now. In a way this may be good. Bodecea is gradually developing more self-confidence which I think will help her be a good "big sister". She is kind of shy and she lived with dominant but sweet, Neika, and very dominant and not always so sweet cat, Darby, all of her life. She never had to be dominant. It's great watching her become more self-assured and assertive.
  • Dragster and Bailee

    Thank you for the comment! we are glad to be here!
  • Melissa


    Thanks for the welcome.
    Julie is beautiful

    Hope you have a great weekend.
  • Tania's Mr. Chips

    Thank you! Jillie looks alike to Mr Chips- too cute! Is she quite the handful yet at 10 months? lol. Have a great weekend.
  • Jewels

    Hi Kathy and Jim: I just got home from work after an 8 hour shift, hence my delay in responding. We did indeed figure out today how to have Buddy go to the bathroom in the back yard today; all we did was wait about 1 1/2 hours after he ate this morning, and after the rain slowed a bit, and we went out in the back yard with him and threw his ball 3 times, and that's all it took...lol so, we made some progress today, yayyyyyyy....lol also, when I left for work around 1:45, and my husband Alex was gone, I kenneled him in the kitchen, giving him full run of it, as we have a swinging door from the kitchen to the dining room, and a gate blocking the basement steps, and when Alex came home, there were NO messes, like the other night, so we all have had a very productive day, and I am very proud of his accomplishments today, and rewarded him for his behavior. I even got him to sit, and stay in the living room, while I answered the front door, until I said Buddy okay, then he came to me, so we ARE making progress...I appreciate hearing from you Kathy and Jim and Thank you for inviting me as your friend. Have an awesome weekend!
  • Meryl

    Thanks for the add!
  • Pam & Momo

    Thank you for the welcome =) Btw, I <3 the pics of Jillie and the bunny rabbit. Corgis have so many bunny-like features don't they?
  • Jen and Cody

    Jillie is beautiful! And I agree, that pic with the rabbit is great!
  • MixedPair

    Hello Jillie! I like the little white between your eyes! :)
  • Tania's Mr. Chips

    Mr Chips is turning into a nice young man ;) He was REALLY crazy up until my boyfriend moved in with me a couple months ago- that really helped straighten him out. lol. I think he needed more of a routine and that's what he has now. So he's come a long ways. He's still very excitable and very social but I wouldn't have it any other way!
  • Jessie

    7 months now. I absolutely love him. He's one of the most fun dogs I've ever had! I always wanted a corgi when I was little and I finally got set up to be able to get one. Best choice I've ever made! =D
  • Jessie

    Thankies For the add too! =D
    Jillie is absolutely adorable!
  • Max and Andrea

    Thank you! Our little girls looked a lot alike when they were puppies! :)
  • Worthington Natalia

    Kathy, Jillie is sooooo adorable! OMG! She's 10 months old? That's the age of the corgi we are planning on adopting (she's on my avatar). I've never had a corgi. We have a chihuahua, and we really enjoy our friend's Australian Cattle Dog. This corgi girl is coming from divorced folks. We are told she's fine with kids and other dogs, has great personality, etc. But I know there will be time of adjusting for all of us. If you have any suggestions on how to make a transition for a 10 months old corgi easier, I am all ears:)

  • Amanda

    Hi Kathy! Thanks for the message! Jillie is super cute! We have been sucked into the corgi cuteness and we hope to have our second in december sometime! Can't wait! :)
  • Worthington Natalia

    Man! The lady that I was talking to about a female corgi e-mailed me today saying she's dealing with someone else. I was led to belive we were the only ones. The kids and I are bummed out. Where in Greenville SC did you get your Jillie?

  • Kevin Parham

    Thanks, Kathy and Jim. Great pictures!
  • LaVerne & Shirley

    Oh my GOSH! Jillie is a DOLL! Every Corgi I see I fall in love with. Thank you for the sweet welcome! You have a wonderful family!
    Corgi smiles and kisses!
  • Worthington Natalia

    Thanx, Kathy, for the moral support...even if this corgy's adoption falls through for us, it's OK as long as the little girl goes to ppl who will love her. But we are determined to get a corgi one way or another:) Just gotta keep praying.....
  • Lisa

    Hi Kathy and Jim! Jillie is quite a cutie. Love this website. A great one to stumble upon. We live in S Central PA - close enough to all the best parts of PA. Our 2 boys are 23 [today, happy b-day Matt!] and 22. College graduates in May '08 and June '09 [Lord willing]. Dave and I are adjusting to the nest just fine! Do you visit PA anymore?
  • karina

    Thank you! :)
  • Liz

    haha, ollie will only stop eating if there's no food left.. even then he'll try and find something to chew on! ollie speaks his mind too... when he's playing, and you tell him, "no," he sasses back with a little yip that's like, "yeah right, mom." haha, i love how lively they are! jillie is absolutely gorgeous! i love all her red!
  • Worthington Natalia

    Kathy, hey! Thanks for stopping by. The lady (lab breeder selling a corgi for her divorced friend) never got back to me after letting me know someone else was interested in that 10 mos old dog. I wish she'd at least tell me not to expect anything...so I could move on. Well, I did move on and am working with the local Rescue Agency. We really want a red+white young female (someone like your Jillie) , but one never knows when things 'click' sometimes:) One thing I know - we as family are committed to give our future dog a 'heaven on earth' ... I'll keep you posted.
  • Mindy

    Ha! Jilliebean and Gingerbean! Plus, they look like they could be sisters!
  • Meghan

    Thanks for the warm welcome! Is Jillie from Pa? I've been trying to find a good breeder in Pa or maybe a surrounding state.
  • Vikki

    Thanks for the warm welcome! Jillie looks very sweet and adorable.
  • Anji

    Thanks for the welcome! We had a rabbit too and they all loved each other! Very cute!
  • Alicia

    Hello, and thanks for the welcome. I had to promise my husband that this was the last animal I would ask for. He wanted a written contract! hehe. I just don't think you can have too many. (As long as you can afford to care for them. thankfully my father is a vet so care is free for us.)
  • Meghan

    Hello! I would have to say I have a love/hate relationship with living here. We had a "riot" last weekend and it makes it hard to accept the students but I do appriciate all that the college brings to our town. As for watching the games, I can't say I'm into that but let me know if you ever need tickets! What part of Pa were you from, does your son go here?
  • Bryan, Jennifer and Savannah Martin

    Thanks so much for the warm welcome! Jillie is beautiful. I love your pictures, and can't wait to get some pictures of our little family on here.
  • Randi with Elphie, Tommy and Puppies

    Thank you so much! They just get cuter every day.
  • Randi with Elphie, Tommy and Puppies

    Wow, Jillie looks a lot like Elphie, the puppies mom. Very cute.
  • Nichole

    Thank you.....I am so excited about this little guy, it's all I can think about! My Mom says that I'm "nesting", with all the planning and preparations I'm doing around the house for him.
  • Suzette & Rueben Dog

    Oh a puppy! Rueben came to me when he was 3 and I often wonder what he looked like as a puppy. Jillie is so sweet!
  • Randi with Elphie, Tommy and Puppies

    Thanks so much, Kathy and Jim
  • Randi with Elphie, Tommy and Puppies

    Thanks for the welcome! this is such a fun site! You gotta love these dogs...
  • Randi with Elphie, Tommy and Puppies

    ooh, ok. Good idea! Thanks so much!
  • Worthington Natalia

    Kathy, the original corgi girl didn't work out simply because the owner never contacted me back. We heard about this 10 months old boy from our local Pembroke Welsh Corgis Rescue Agency. The agency worker was extremely helpful acting as a matchmaker between us and the family that were getting ready to surrender the little guy to the Rescue. After several e-mails and phone calls they feel we'll be able to take better care of him. We are soooo excited! Thanks for prayers.

  • Nichole

    Thank you again...it's so nice to get messages and words of understanding from people that "get it"!!!
  • Linda Taylor

    Jillie is certainly beautiful. Does she like to chase the rabbit?
    We don't know much more about Mickey's origins. I had looked for a rescue Corgi for months and months without luck. A woman my husband knows who's involved in rescue found one in 5 days and he gave him to me for my birthday. We were told that his owner died and his wife couldn't take care of him. He was sent up north with a shipment of dogs from a shelter and he was very skinny when he arrived but as we got to know him it was evident that he had a caring early life. One day I said the work Cricket and he responded so quickly and strongly that I'm sure that was his first call name. He's a lively handful so I understand that an elderly grief-stricken widow may have found it hard to care for him. But he suits us fine and all has turned out well. We live in the hills of western Massachusetts and have plenty of land for him to run on to use up that perpetual energy. We have an older big black retriever mix rescued from North Carolina who is much happier and livelier with Mickey as a friend. We're pretty lucky considering we knew nothing about him when we committed.
  • Kimbro

    awww.... thanks I love your puppies too!