Anne Dettbarn

Profile Information:

Miami, Florida
About Me:
I live in Miami, Florida. I have a wonderful husband and a beautful son who is 7. Oh, I have four corgis too!!!
About My Corgi(s):
I am the proud owner of 4 male Pembroke Welsh Corgis. Dickens, my oldest at 11, Owyn is 4 and his two sons Clifford and Romeo--2 years old each. My home is quite active. Lots of energy with an ocassional disagreement. I love them all they are great fun.

Comment Wall:

  • Cindi

    Hi Anne and welcome! Love the pics of your boys! They're just adorable.
  • Kristen

    Hi Anne, Thanks for the offer. I am hoping that it was a one time thing. She seems to be fine right now and there is no slowing her down, but when you are not 100 percent sure of the cause of the injury it still leaves a lot of concern. What kind of injury does you boy have?--Btw--welcom to Corgiville- your boys are quite charming!
  • Anne Dettbarn

    Dickens had a herniated lumbar disc. They did a laminectomy he would have been paralyzed if we hadn't rushed him to the vet the night before thanksgiving. We are greatful to the Vet who did his surgery. He did a subpurb job.
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Anne!
  • Corgi Mom

    Welcome to the group! What great pictures of your corgis.
  • Florence Fong

    Hi Ann,
    You must be having loads of fun with 4 Corgis!
  • Kristen

    A herniated disc was my biggest fear. The x-ray just showed a reduced space between the last two vertebrae. It wasn't readily apparent that it was an injury, but it was a "best guess" The treatment worked and she seems fine now. How is Dickens' recovery going? A good Vet is worth so much.I'm so glad to hear the surgery went well.
  • ♥ AdEle

    WOW ...!!! Good looking boys. Do they all get along ?How do you do it ?
  • ♥ AdEle

    Thanks Anne,
    I think Romeo has a similar expression like my Skye and Dicken has somewhat similar marking too. They are different but the same.. I just can not explain.. lol...
  • WhiteDove

    OMG. . .they are sooooo adorable!!!!!
  • Kim's_Corgi's

    Your corgi's are adorable! The bandaid on the nose cracked me up!
  • Michelle

    what pretty babies. love the bandaid.
  • mikonami

    aww....they're so cute! i was reading a post about the fight for alpha dog. were you able to fix your situation yet?
  • Bella

    What cute corgi's!! I just moved to Miami and have only seen one corgi. Do you take them to any parks?