Jason and Darlene

San Antonio

United States

Profile Information:

San Antonio, TX
About Me:
We currently live in San Antonio, TX. We have a cat, Chloe, and our Corgi, Lockett. We also had a baby this year so a whole new adventure starts.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Lockett is 4-1/2 and she is a retired show dog. Now, she is definitely enjoying the pet life - spoiled rotten. She thinks she is supposed to go every time we head to the door and she loves riding anytime you'll take her. She is quite the little guard dog howling anytime the doorbell rings. She is still trying to win over the cat - neither one of them are sure of the other so they are very cautious with each other. Since we had a new addition to our human family this year, Lockett is quite the little mother. She is very protective of Kirby and watches over him. If he's not up in the morning when she gets up, she lays in front of his crib until he is up. She's always bathing him - always. Needless to say, she's definitely a Corgi!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Florence Fong

    What a lovely smile.
  • Cindi

    Hi and welcome! Lockett is adorable. What a great smile she has!
  • Corgi Mom

    Welcome to the group! Lockett is adorable and has a great smile! Your cats are beautiful as well and looks like they're hiding from Lockett. Just to cute. :-)
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome JAson and Darlene, Lockett is a beautiful girl :)
  • Jeremiah and Rhys "Mr. May"

    Hello to a fellow Texan!
  • Amanda

    We're in SA too. We take the dogs to Old Pearsall Rd. dog park all the time. Have you been there?
  • Amanda

    Yeah, I think that'd be great. Only maybe in the evening sometime when it's not so darn hot. Don't know of any corgi meet ups but I think it would be so cool if there were. hehe! Let me know when a good time would be for you. :)
  • Amanda

    Well, not tonight cause we have bible study from 7-9 but tomorrow may be ok. Depends on if it's still 99 degrees at 7pm or not. lol! I'll email you tomorrow and let you know. :)
  • Amanda

    Hey, had a good time at the dog park-we'll def. do it again sometime. Lockett is very cute-such a little thing! Darlene if you would like to go to Monday night bible study with me some time let me know. It's about 30 women and it's very good! I know Jason's out of town for work sometimes so that would be cool. It's from 7-9pm. Anyway, glad to have met you all. We'll have to get some more folks to come along. :)
  • Amanda

    Oh, and your cats look like they could take care of themselves. Those are some big kitties! lol!
  • Amanda

    I put some dog park pics up. I'll email them to you if you want them.
  • Carrie Hall

    Hey there fellow san antonioian! I love the pic of "corgi in a box"...or maybe "sleeping corgi on display"...LOL (last pic in slideshow of Lockett in a box... :) Her personality sounds so very much like Pistol.. :) And she's adorable too!! :)
  • Amanda

    Sorry, we went to Branson MO and didn't get a chance to answer your message until now. Kung Fu Panda was awesome. Definately go see it. We like Kung Fu/Samurai movies and animated movies so it was a good combonation. Plus Jack Black was hysterical. Definately let us know when you want to go to the dog park again. Our dogs are always ready to go somewhere. lol!~
  • Amanda

    Oh, I need your email if you want those pics from the park.
  • Calily

    Oh sorry! I didn't get your comment until today... haven't been to this site as of late. yikes! haha. I have been to the Old Pearsall Park once before but haven't been back in about 2 years. It's kinda in a rough area of town so I don't want to go out there alone. I have been to McAllister park numerous times but it's a good 25-30 minute drive from the house so we don't make it out there too often.

    We do go to O.P. Schnaebel park fairly often since that's close to the house.
  • Chantel & Princess Bella

    Aww Lockett is such a beautiful corgi! She looks adorable
  • Randy & John

    I love the pics where she's on her back. Corgis look so funny when they do that!
  • Lady Bug (Michelle)

    Welcome, so glad you could join us!!