, Female

San Antonio, TX

United States

Profile Information:

San Antonio, TX
About Me:
Although, Izzi is the first Corgi I have owned, I am a long time Corgi lover. Izzi and I live with our beloved Akita, Georgia.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Izzi is now a 3 year old tri colored Corgi. Although females are only supposed to get to a weight of 29lbs at the most.....Izzi now weighs in at 44 lbs of mostly muscle. This is surprising because her parents were both quite small. We had a bad year last year, with Izzi tearing both her ACL's. It took a while for full recovery, but currently she's extremely healthy, happy, and full of energy.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Parker

    I love that your rats name is William Shatner!
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Izzi and family!

    hi my new friend Izzi, when are you going to come over and meet me. Can't wait to pull on those ears...=)~~~~~~~~
  • REB

    She is absolutely adorable! The floppy ears are just cute as can be.
    She sounds like she is adjusting well.
    The animal names you've picked are so fun!
  • Sasha

    Oh that's so adorable! I wish I was you so I could give Izzi a big hug! :) How can you be strict with that little puppy face? :)
  • WhiteDove

    Welcome. . .Izzi is too cute for words. . . .
  • Cindi

    Welcome Izzi and family!
  • Lisa

    Nollie's ears haven't popped yet. I'm massaging all the time, and some times they actually look like they are perking up. She will be 13 weeks on Monday. Our male is from the same litter and his ears have been up for a while now. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that hers stand up soon.
  • IZZI

    about 8:00 i went into my house all by myself and was belly up as well....all through the night. unfortunately i piddled a bit, but my mommy is cleaning my bed for me. I'm just a baby, though.
  • Lisa

    Nollie's ears are completely up now. =] How are Izzi's doing?
  • Bart

    What a cute face