
Profile Information:

About Me:
I'm not as detailed as my mother, for one. My mother and I are both on this site with our puppy, Doris. She IS my mother's puppy, but I love her just as much. I'm 20 years old, and I had a corgi when I was little. This is the first corgi we've owned since I was Nine, and I do hope I get along well here.

Also for those of you who are in to Cowboy Bebop, I'm one of those geeks. :3 Although, I don't think I'll be naming any of my dogs Ein. I would feel bad about it. A friend of mine had an Ein. The dog died a bit over a year ago. 3:
About My Corgi(s):
Doris Daylily. She's a very sleepy and shy puppy. The second family dog, she's having a bit of a rough time getting used to her new surroundings. We just got her today, and on the way home she was a delight to be with. She's also very pitiful, and started freaking out when we put a collar on her. It was funny to watch her run around the dining room trying to get this weird unfamiliar object off her neck.

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