Emily Rose



United States

Profile Information:

Salem, Oregon
About Me:
I'm owner of DreamEyce Studio, making custom hand-made dog art, esp Corgwn!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I'm 'Mom' to Traum and Galaxy the brindle Cardis! We also have our 'mutt', Covy a GSD/Aussie mix, and Spark the Pomeranian.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcme Emily Rose! Glad to have another member from Oregon! I love your site, feel free to promote your arts to our members, I encourage it :) Invite your corgis friends and family to join us!
  • Sam Tsang

    Actually my homes are in FL and Toronto Canada, we are on the road a lot and visit corgi meetup through out the country, there's a few members who live near the neck of your woods, so may be you guys can get together for a meetup :) I'll let you know when we're in town!
  • Sam Tsang

    That's too bad, I hope to see more Oregon members joinning you soon :) I love your art pieces, they're precious!
  • Robert

    Hi Emily, Thanks for the comment on the photo of Sammy. I got her from a breeder named Jackie in Spokane, WA. I have to admit that I did not know who Carbon is until I did an internet search. I see from your website that you are a dog trainer. Sammy is very well behaved but my Pembroke, Ozzy, has seperation anxiety in a big way. I think it's time I look for professional help. Too bad Salem is so far away from me.
  • Cheri

    Hi Emily Rose! You sure have a good looking crew! Maybe our babies are related. Dudley's parents are Paradiddle's Token of Love (sire) and Remberance Blues N TH Nite (dam). I can go back farther if you need. Are we related??? :D
  • Cheri

    Well, I see the same kennel names in our pedigrees. Your paternal great grandfather is Davenitch Garth o'Chaps and Dudley's maternal great grandfather is Davenitch Sand Piper. On the maternal side your great grandfather is Vestsvia Kallel while Dudley's maternal grandfather is Vestavia Inkling and maternal great grandmother is Vestsvia Good Gracious. We've got to be related!
  • Cheri

    I found it! We ARE related! Salvenik Sea Treasure is in Dudley's pedigree too!!!! Salvenik Sea Treasure was paired with I Am Davenitch Mosette to produce Davenitch Sand Piper. Davenitch Sand Piper paired with Vestavia Good Gracious to produce Vestavia Inkling. Vestavia paired with Hedgerow Bj's Rum Raisin produced Rememberance Blues N Th Nite. Paradiddle's Token of Love was paired with Rememberance Blues N TH Nite to produce Claymore's Dudley DoRight.

    Oh I see another link! Phi-Vestavia Inkling! That's in Dudley's pedigree too. How could I miss that? Inkling produced Kallel which produced Hide and Seek in your pedigree. Inkling also produced Remberance Blues N TH Nite who is Dudley's mom! A closer link.
  • Cheri

    So let's see, what does a common link through Inkling make them? Second cousins? Let me think. Kallel and Blues N TH Nite would be step brother and sister and their kids would be cousins. that would make Dudley and Myste Hide and Seek 1st cousins. So they must be second cousins?
  • Cheri

    Dudley is a cutie pie in my opinion, but we're not breeders and have never showed. We're performance folks. I have a very active lifestyle and wanted a performance dog. We already had a Pem bitch doing agility and she rules the roost so we put out feelers to find a Cardi who'd get along with our Pem. We didn't care what he looked like, we just had to get a fellow who'd get along with Taffy. We were fortunate to get a handsome boy in addition to an active little guy (or now big guy). Before surgery, he was training for tracking and herding and had started ground work in agility. He swims and goes kayaking with me. Dudley's very adventurous! He'll be going back to his herding training soon.
  • Cheri

    Oh my gosh! That's Dudley with a different coat!!! Yes, there is a family resemblence. No doubt.
  • Cheri

    I'm at the other end of the spectrum. My kids are grown and gone so now I have the time and funds to work with my dogs. No wonder they call agility the "middle aged woman's sport"! It's not until middle age that we have the opportunity to devote time and money to something we want to do! Before that we're taking care of kids and home and such.
    I love your dog art. I'm going to have to have you make me a Dudley and a Taffy.
  • Cheri

    hand spun yarn? you spin? I knit! We're kindred spirits.

  • Cheri

    Oh I just had a funny thought. I'll have to have you make me a Dudley like the one on your web site, with yarn. Just this morning I gathered up an entire skein of sock yarn that Dudley had joyfully spread all over the back yard. He does love my yarn and my wooden needles too.
  • Cheri

    Yup, Dudley and Traum are related. Dudley has almost no undercoat either! My Pem is a fluff ball while Dudley is pretty sleek. I thought maybe it was because he was just a puppy and he'd get his big boy undercoat later, but I don't think anything is going to change in the undercoat department. Not that Dudley doesn't shed, he just doesn't have an undercoat to blow twice a year like Taffy does.
  • Cheri

    Yes, Dudley and Traum look very much alike.
  • Cheri

    What GREAT pins for Cardi Nationals agility!!! I love mine!!! You do good work girlie!
  • Cheri

    Everyone absolutely LOVED the pins! It was so special that we could pick out one that looked like our dog! I'm going to make sure I show mine to our local club. I think they are involved in Nationals next year and I want them to see all the cool loot that I got at the performance events. Hopefully there will be another huge order next year!
  • Emily Rose

    I'm so thrilled they went over so well! I'm very proud of that design, even though they were a 'pain' to paint with the cap! heehee I had a ton of fun with that order, and would love to do something like that again :)

    For the Sheltie nationals last year, I did 20 themed pins for their national, and was excited when Kathy contacted me about the Cardi nationals so soon after :)