Emily Rose



United States

Profile Information:

Salem, Oregon
About Me:
I'm owner of DreamEyce Studio, making custom hand-made dog art, esp Corgwn!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I'm 'Mom' to Traum and Galaxy the brindle Cardis! We also have our 'mutt', Covy a GSD/Aussie mix, and Spark the Pomeranian.
I have:

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  • Shepdog

    *laughs* I totally recognized Traum in the snow when I logged on tonight and your photo was there! ;)

    Good to see you here! Hope the holiday rush is going well for you!
  • Shepdog

    Ha! I just saw that handsome fellow of yours and was like, hey, I know that Cardi! Heck, I also know that toy! Those are the best!

    Heck, it's just nice to see fellow Cardi folks! We're a rare breed, even on this site, it seems. :)
  • Corgi lover! (Misty)

    Hey there! I just added a group called Oregon State Corgis!! Come and join us!!