Ju Lo

Profile Information:

About Me:
Lifetime animal lover, first time dog owner. I have quickly become a Corgi lover!
About My Corgi(s):
February I brought home my first dog, Theodore, a 9 week old PWC. He is such a dream and such a little terror! Hehe. He loves to play with his toys, herd his people, and jump up on anything that makes him feel taller!

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  • Lynn

    Happy Expected Whelping Day! Any news yet?
  • Lynn

    Ok, that is so nice of the breeder to email you. She must know how excited you are!
  • Lynn

    Oh man, it's so hard! I have about 2 more weeks to wait, and my breeder went on vacation the last 2 weeks, so no updates on the puppies. I think she's getting back today, so I'm going to shoot her an email to see if we can go visit them sometime. I hope she updates the website soon! And yes, I have been obsessively checking the website and my email! :)
  • Lynn

    Just so you know that you're not the only paranoid one, I'm starting to obsessively check my email and the breeder's website for any sort of response. It's driving me crazy! And now there's that annoying thought in the back of my head saying "oh no, what if she's ignoring me because she doesn't like me anymore?" Augh. In happier news, we got a crate for the dog today. We got a wire one, so I'm going to make a crate cover in the next few days. Anything to keep me busy.
  • Lynn

    Ok, I new once I left you a note something would happen. New photos are up! Three cuties. But still no email from the breeder, but I'm glad that everyone's ok. I'm sure she's just busy and wants to set up the evaluations with her corgi friends before she responds. Whew!
  • Lynn

    I'm totally bombarding you with comments. I get to go visit the puppies on Saturday! I will take lots of photos. Hurray!
  • Lynn

    No, no, just one puppy. We're getting Lucy! We were deciding between Lucy and Sally, and we decided on Lucy. She's a sweetie pie. Her litter is the peanuts litter, so her siblings are sally, marcie, peanut, peppermint patty, charles, linus, schroeder. They are so ridiculously cute. Lucy was the last one born out of the litter, and she's lucky lucy because they almost had to do a c-section to get her out. We're keeping the name, because I really liked the name lucy anyway. My boyfriend had liked Caleigh better, but I have relatives named Carey and Kelly, which makes Caleigh a little difficult. Plus don't you think she looks like a Lucy?
  • Kristen

    Greetings Ju Lo, congrats on going Corgi. I will be picking up a puppy about the same time you are, but he will be my fourth! What a great breed! My puppy was born December 22. it would be fun to compare notes as they grow!
  • Lynn

    Thanks! I'm already in love. I have been saying "I love lucy" almost non stop for the past day or so. I didn't think that two weeks would be too long to wait since I've already been waiting 8 weeks, but oh my goodness it's only been a couple days! I'm excited though, now that I've put a deposit down and set a pick up date I can go and buy things for her without worrying about if I will get a puppy or not! :)
  • Lynn

    I told my friend about how today seemed like the longest day EVER, and she said it will be quicker once it gets further from the day I last saw Lucy. Then I told her I have video that I can watch, and she said "maybe you should stay away from that until the weekend". Haha.

    Sure, go ahead and post about her. She is a cutie and like a proud mama i'll show her off anywhere i can.
  • Kristen

    Ju Lo. The puppy is a boy. I have been visiting with this breeder for months. We stopped by to meet them last spring. They are terrific people. They had three littlers of puppies within two weeks of each other and they knew I was looking for tri-color male. Out of 16 puppies they had one tri and it just happened to be a male. We were given first option. All 16 puppies were beautiful--just beautiful. We went to visit and confirmed that we would take the little guy. I picked out my first Corgi at two weeks. That was my Basil. He was the best dog ever. Right now the puppy has a black face, but a black face can turn completely red, so we really don't know how he will finish yet. But he is so sweet. We are hoping to raise Corgis. Our in-tact female is only seven months old so it will be at least another full year before we will even think about trying and even then it will determine on how the dogs finish out. I just love this breed. Basil stole my heart and I know that I will always have Corgis. Lets be sure to keep in touch. I'm terribly nervous adding a new member to the pack, but I'm just as excited. My daughter tells me I will never be able to part with any puppies, that is a worry!
  • Kristen

    I think I'm losing it. I typed a response to you and seem to have lost it..literally. I think I will be pretty obsessive about who gets a puppy and will probably only do limited registrations fro a while. The breeder we are getting our little guy from has only sold a couple full regisltrations since they started. It think that is smart. I wasn't up on the genetics, that is something I need to do more research on. I have to admit I am actually partial to red/whites, but since my Fergie is a red/white I thought my little man should be a tri. We will see how it all works out. I think I've crossed the line! Our breeder said it is a tough call when they are young. They have one female that I saw as a black faced tri puppy and she has a full red face as an adult. I guess they always keep you guessing.
  • Kristen

    I think I'm probably out of luck on the genetic pool with Fergie. Her mother is red/white as is her father and they have never thrown a tri. I'm guessing...if I follow you... that it is most likely that the new puppy will be a red-faced tri. Both parents are red-white, Actually Mom is more Sable, but the red/white male bred to her always throws a tri puppy regardles of who he is bred to. He has thrown both red-faced and black faced.I had my Lizzie (black face-tri) fixed last year. I was going to breed her, but she shattered her pelvis about two years ago. She got out and we assume was hit by a car. Odd thing on our road. At any rate, the vet predicted that she would only be able to deliver c-section and I didn't want to put her through that. She is a sweet girl and I didn't want to take any chances. What did the report say about Sable corgis?
  • Kristen

    I did get Lizzie spayed. It reduces cancer risk as well as prolongs the life span--at least that is what the research says. Lizzie would have been a good mommy, but all I really care about is having a happy girl. The whole genertics thing is interesting, but confusing.I'm not always sure what deliniates a sable. Not sure where the line is. I still have to see how Fergi finishes out and have her hips x-rayed before I really decide to breed her. Same with the new puppy. If it doesn't work out.We will just enjoy our little Corgis. They will only make life better!
  • Kristen

    Your blog is hilarious. I wish I had your technology skills. The puppy pics from your breeder are so cute. Theodore looks like a good choice to me. I love lots of white on the face. The white areas always seem to get smaller as the puppy gets bigger. Fergie has a spot on the back of her head that used to be connected to the blaze on her face and her collar. Now it is just a cute little isolated spot.
  • Kristen

    Just a few more days until the puppy comes home. Are you ready?
  • Kristen

    Saw the email before I saw your post. Crazy with a new puppy, but so much fun. Hard to be in a bad mood when there is a Corgi puppy around. They contantly make you laugh! Congratulations!
  • Kristen

    Theodore's picture on your blog is just adorable. Take care and have fun!
  • Cubbie

    That has got to be the cutest corgi puppy picture i've ever seen! We never got to see Cubbie when he was really young. They're so cute!!
  • Jamie

    I read your blog all the time, I figured I had to add you on here!
  • Banjo and Starbuck

    I'm a fan of your blog. Thanks for keeping it up!
  • Kelly

    I'm a huge fan of your blog too! I've been lurking for awhile now, and I think it has prepared me well for my first corgi puppy :) P.S. Theo is adorable!
  • Kelly

    Not til mid-September :( But I get to go see him next weekend! :)

    I'll try to delurk your blog..Im sure I'll have more to say once I'm a true corgi owner :)
  • Parker

    Thanks for friend add! I'll try to stop lurking so much on your blog and actually post on it too!
  • Keahi and Kai

    hi there. just checked out your blog. nice! what beach did you take theo to? is there a corgi meetup there?
  • Keahi and Kai

    bummer. i thought it would be somewhere closer to us. thx tho. say hi to theo for us. he looks like a theo :)
  • Keahi and Kai

    yup! we're already planning a b-day party for him (not on halloween tho. i'm sure ppl have better things to do that night). we were at a doggie charity event and won an auction for a "custom doggie b-day party" at the bougie pet store down the street from us, so he gets to invite 10 of his best doggie friends (and their parents) :)
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi! I just voted on your corgitails blog, about where our dog sleeps, he sleeps in another room on a dog bed. I dont think it has affected his cuddly personality one bit, he loves to snuggle with us on the couch before bed time or whenever we are are quitely sitting and loves to give us lots and lots of licks!
  • Mike, Susan, Wally,Oliver & Eva!

    I have absolutely fallen in love with Theo's paws and pink/black speckled nose!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Hi! It's great to be in touch with you here on mycorgi! Theo sure is a cutie, and his puppy pics are so adorable.
  • Geri & Sidney

    The cake was great! Even the humans could have some (but not the milk-bones, lol!)
    We got it at Dexter's Deli in Carlsbad. It is on El Camino Real in the Vons Shopping center just south of the 78. They have a few sizes; Sidney's was a small and cost $9.99.

    You got it right! The tribble came from Kahoots. I wish we had a Kahoots in Vista, it is such a great store.
  • Kelly

    Thanks! I need new pictures of him though, those are about 3 weeks old! Theo's halloween costume is great :) He's turning into such a handsome guy!
  • S

    Hi JuLo, thanks for the add. I love your blog, makes me think of the days when I had a puppy and all the new discoveries each day brought (good an bad - haha).

    Theo's such a handsome boy. I love seeing him growing up online.

    I'll try to get around to posting more pics of my guys. Laters!
  • Mike, Susan, Wally,Oliver & Eva!

    Sorry for such a late response, but yes the pitbull was from out neighborhood. She actually belongs to another couple in our apartment building. Hopefully you don't have to worry about the pitbulls in your neighborhood but if they have shown signs of aggression, then of course stay away. Have fun with Theo and keep posting those adorable photos! =]
  • Geri & Sidney

    Julie, thanks for the great picture of Sidney at the dog park. He was being such a bossy fellow just then! Sid had so much fun playing with Theo and Ein. We're looking forward to the next playdate!

    I saw your pics of Theo in his Halloween costume. How cute is that? It fits him so well (in personality as well as size)!
  • LaVerne & Shirley

    Hi Julie! Ive enjoyed reading your blog and Im going to try your technics to get past my pups nippy stage. She gets so WILD! Theodore is so very handsome! What charisma! Likes the limelight Im guessing.....lol. Too cute!
    We are trying to decide between Squiggy and Laverne for my puppy. The more Im getting to know her the more she seems to fit Laverne.
  • Ana & Taco

    I totally know what you mean! We keep saying we should have named him Dyson instead! I think I've told you this before - I am an avid follower of your blog. Since Taco is 4 months younger than Theo, I've learned from all your experiences. :)
  • Geri & Sidney

    Hi JuLo! We're in live chat right now...pop over and say hi!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Hi again!
    The live chat is on the main page, left hand column. There is a view of "who's online" (I saw your pic and knew you were) and chat
  • Geri & Sidney

    we're taling christmas movies right now. Hope you can join us!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Hi Julie,
    I sent an email to the sheepherding place. When I hear back I'll let you know!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Thanks Ju Lo! Yes he does crack me up, he is such a character!
  • Jessica

    Thank you for your support. Yeah, I have been getting a lot of comments that I should make my daughter live with it and then her immune will build up....she is only 5 years old...that is not fair to her at all to make her suffer just to keep our dog. Some people just don't understand. Anyways- she will be living with the breeder and she is going to breed scarlet...which I am really excited about because scarlet has such pretty markings.
    Thanks again for your support.
  • Parker

    Hey Ju Lo, I just wanted to thank you for the great idea of Antler chews! I finally ordered some and they came in the mail today and Grover is LOVING it! He usually has a warming up period with any new chew, not with these! He is all over it!
    They were suppose to be for an X-mas present...but I just couldn't resist giving him one today!
  • Bailey

    Are you from San Diego? I would love to go to the next meet up. When is it?
  • Corgibyassociation

    Yes, I found those adorable pugs through Shelby pug's site! I'm such a paranoid mom. I called the breeder and the vet and asked if Freya's breathing pattern was normal. Both said it was--I've never noticed a puppy breath so fast in their sleep. But I've scheduled a check up for at least my comfort if anything and maybe they'll give her a shot too.
  • Aj

    I thought the 18th was Theo's b-day! Anyways, happy 1st birthday Theo!

    From Ein & Aj
  • Corgibyassociation

    Holy crap! That's the perfect example of breathing. I totally forgot about that movie too. Hmmm, I wonder why they do it that way?
  • Corgibyassociation

    Happy birthday Theo!

    From Freya and Cat
  • Corgibyassociation

    Hmm, that makes sense. I have to switch her food. Not sure what I"m going to go with yet.