Monica Seebode


Saratoga Springs, NY

United States

Profile Information:

Kinderhook, NY
About Me:
I work in the Publishing industry, enjoy music and reading, and I play with corgis as much as I can.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My 16 year old sweet Nunzio passed away in May 2015. His 13 1/2 year old sister, Glory, crossed Rainbow Bridge on New Year's Eve 2019. Now a new corgi puppy has joined the family - sweet Wembley Wigglebutt!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Monica! I love your corgi's costume :) Invite your corgi friends to join us! By the way, what type of publishing do you do? I can always use a connection. We have just published a cookbook a month ago on, isbn and everything.
  • Sam Tsang

    Hi Monica! Here's the link for the video and the embed link is also on that page
  • Silvia Li

    Welcome aboard Monica! I'm sure you can find plenty of help from our members in the forum.
  • Kate

    Thanks for the info on health care! Your corgis are quite the beauties!
  • Samantha

    I just wanted to let you know you may have more luck getting a reply if you asked your question in the Forum area, instead of the mid west group. I noticed you haven't gotten a reply in a month. Good luck!
  • Lisa P from WV

    I love your pic of the corgi and the little boy...both adorable! I also the pic of the pumpkin outfit....Halloween outfit pics are my all time favorite pics on! Both corgis are really sweet! Lisa P from WV
  • Jenn + Karma = Love

    Hi Mason friends, we are in Hamilton and often visit Voice of America park with Karma. She reacted similarly at first at the dog parks, just sniffing, not a lot of playing. But when other dogs came, she of course started herding them ha! Would love to meet up, we are wanting another corgi soon, i like how fluffy yours are! :)