Monica Seebode
  • Female
  • Saratoga Springs, NY
  • United States
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  • Peaches and Pickles
  • Barbara Seebode

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Monica Seebode's Page

Profile Information

Kinderhook, NY
About Me:
I work in the Publishing industry, enjoy music and reading, and I play with corgis as much as I can.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My 16 year old sweet Nunzio passed away in May 2015. His 13 1/2 year old sister, Glory, crossed Rainbow Bridge on New Year's Eve 2019. Now a new corgi puppy has joined the family - sweet Wembley Wigglebutt!
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Monica Seebode updated their profile
Feb 2, 2020
Monica Seebode replied to Christopher's discussion Lymphoma at age 14 - I could use some advice
"I went through this with my sweet Nunzio. Same thing - trouble breathing, lymph nodes swollen. Brought him to a specialist who said that cancer treatment would only gain him a few weeks, maybe a month. Nearing his 16th birthday, I just couldn't…"
Feb 2, 2020

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At 12:40am on March 31, 2009, Amanda said…
They are sooo cute! *huggles* I wouldn't mind bringing my diva to a dog park near Mason, however she tends to be backwards when it comes to new dogs (People she tends to just bark a few times and get over it) LOL!
At 10:39pm on March 7, 2009, Susan said…
We are from Hudson Falls NY the next town from Queensbury. There are a few local so called breeders who I will not recommend. There is however a good breeder in Argyle NY. We were going to get a puppy from her but the timing was off. I will call my vet on Monday to get their number. The Animal Planet Show, Dogs 101 had her on the first episode. The corgi was featured in the first episode. We went out to Boston for our Corgi.
At 10:48pm on January 2, 2009, scotthoutx said…
Hello from Carson & Logan
At 12:10pm on October 30, 2008, Jenn + Karma = Love said…
Hi Mason friends, we are in Hamilton and often visit Voice of America park with Karma. She reacted similarly at first at the dog parks, just sniffing, not a lot of playing. But when other dogs came, she of course started herding them ha! Would love to meet up, we are wanting another corgi soon, i like how fluffy yours are! :)
At 12:29am on June 19, 2008, Lisa P from WV said…
I love your pic of the corgi and the little boy...both adorable! I also the pic of the pumpkin outfit....Halloween outfit pics are my all time favorite pics on! Both corgis are really sweet! Lisa P from WV
At 11:02am on May 17, 2008, Samantha said…
I just wanted to let you know you may have more luck getting a reply if you asked your question in the Forum area, instead of the mid west group. I noticed you haven't gotten a reply in a month. Good luck!
At 4:09pm on April 23, 2008, Kate said…
Thanks for the info on health care! Your corgis are quite the beauties!
At 3:31pm on October 16, 2007, Silvia Li said…
Welcome aboard Monica! I'm sure you can find plenty of help from our members in the forum.
At 12:11pm on October 16, 2007, Sam Tsang said…
Hi Monica! Here's the link for the video and the embed link is also on that page
At 11:58am on October 16, 2007, Sam Tsang said…
Welcome Monica! I love your corgi's costume :) Invite your corgi friends to join us! By the way, what type of publishing do you do? I can always use a connection. We have just published a cookbook a month ago on, isbn and everything.

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