Teddy Bear, our Pembroke Welsh.  He just turned 14 in May, and started having some breathing issues.  Rapid/shallow breaths even at complete rest.  Up until this, he had been still playing fetch, eating like a horse and happy.  Enlarged lymph nodes in neck and rear legs.  Fine needle aspiration -- lymphoma.

I can afford chemo, but I am not sure I want to put him through it.  He is on Prednisone which seems to be helping -- but I realize this is a one or two month stop-gap at best.

I'd love to try some alternative/Eastern medicine because I really believe that if the immune system can be strengthened then there is a chance of suppressing the disease even further.  I just can't find anyone near me (Poughkeepsie New York) that specializes in this.

Do you guys think I'm being realistic and doing the best by him, by withholding the chemo protocol, at age 14?  Or should I consider doing it?

Any other pointers or advice would be appreciated.  We realize how blessed we are to have had him for 14 years  -- but of course we want him to be with us for another 100 years.

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Sorry for the late response, I have not been on this sight in a few years. Yesterday I signed in out of the blue and saw your post, so sorry to hear about Teddy : (  It's tough seeing our furry friends getting older.  I have a 15 1/2 yr old corgi (Quincy).  Quincy has seen a holistic vet for many years.  Eastern medicine is a great alternative to regular medicine. Over the years the vet has recommended a few products by a brand called: RX vitamins for pets.  I recently started to give him an immune booster made by them called "immuno support for pets", his vet did not suggest this product, I happen to came across it while reordering RX vitamin's probiotic.  After reading about it I thought it could help him in his old age and purchased it.  I don't know if it is something you may want to consider for Teddy, just thought I would suggest it.  They are capsules, so if Teddy isn't a good pill taker they can be opened and mixed with food.  I hope this information can help you choose the best path for Teddy.  If you have questions feel free to contact me.  Sending Teddy healthy vibes 

Thanks so much for the response; unfortunately Teddy Bear lost his battle on Sept 24th.  He had three decent months, and we did have him on a completely raw diet, with immune boosting tinctures and homeopathic remedies.  We elected to not try chemotherapy at age 14+ (and a 2.5 hour round trip drive to the nearest oncologist).  We did use Prednisone, first to "hammer down" the cancer then later at a very low dosage, which helped for awhile...but eventually nothing was helping.

It was the hardest day of my life, which in a way is a blessing I can say that because so many people have gone through far worse things.  It was the right thing to do.  He was no longer able to get comfortable, he had stopped eating and he was panting non-stop the prior 24 hours on that final day when my wife and I knew it was time to say goodbye.

This was my first dog, and he was the sweetest, smartest and most loving dog I have ever met and probably ever will.  I will miss him for the rest of my life, but I am very grateful that he was with us for 14 years and 4 months.

Thank you to all the nice people here who have answered questions over the years and shared their kindness without hesitation.  You are a special group of folks and I appreciate that very much.

So Sorry to hear about Teddy : (   

Saying goodbye is one of the toughest things to do. I am sure Teddy appreciated everything you did for him.  Sounds like Teddy had a wonderful life  : )

I went through this with my sweet Nunzio. Same thing - trouble breathing, lymph nodes swollen. Brought him to a specialist who said that cancer treatment would only gain him a few weeks, maybe a month. Nearing his 16th birthday, I just couldn't put him through that. The prednisone gave him some level of comfort along with pain meds. I have absolutely no doubt that I did the right thing for him. We savored every moment we had together. I lost him nearly 5 years ago and I still miss him every day. He was my heart dog and soul mate - the best friend I ever had.

A few months ago, his sister Glory started having troubles. She was 13 1/2 and just started going downhill. We never got a cancer diagnosis, but something was going on with her tummy, she lost the sight in one eye, and had developed some issues with her back and nothing the vet and specialists tried made it better. I was making her meals from scratch to tempt her to eat, but eventually she couldn't keep anything down. Making the decision to let her go on New Year's Eve nearly killed me. The weird thing was that the night before, I was asleep in bed but woke to what I thought was Nunzio making that unmistakable sound when he would lay down against the bedroom door. I said "Hey Nunz" because I wasn't fully awake and was convinced he was there. When I woke in the morning and Glory was so sick, I wondered if he had come to get her. It's a nice thought that comforts me.

All this to say that although it's been several months since you lost sweet Teddy Bear, I know that pain never goes away and wanted to reach out. I am so sorry for your loss, and so glad that you had this wonderful corgi in your life. 

I'm so sorry to hear Teddy is no longer with you. He gained his wings and will now watch over you from Heaven. He gets to be with my precious baby, Noodles, who gained his wings this past New Years Eve. Hardest day of my life, but also the right decision to make. Hugs to you and your wife.


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