Monica Seebode


Saratoga Springs, NY

United States

Profile Information:

Kinderhook, NY
About Me:
I work in the Publishing industry, enjoy music and reading, and I play with corgis as much as I can.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My 16 year old sweet Nunzio passed away in May 2015. His 13 1/2 year old sister, Glory, crossed Rainbow Bridge on New Year's Eve 2019. Now a new corgi puppy has joined the family - sweet Wembley Wigglebutt!
I have:

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  • scotthoutx

    Hello from Carson & Logan
  • Susan

    We are from Hudson Falls NY the next town from Queensbury. There are a few local so called breeders who I will not recommend. There is however a good breeder in Argyle NY. We were going to get a puppy from her but the timing was off. I will call my vet on Monday to get their number. The Animal Planet Show, Dogs 101 had her on the first episode. The corgi was featured in the first episode. We went out to Boston for our Corgi.
  • Amanda

    They are sooo cute! *huggles* I wouldn't mind bringing my diva to a dog park near Mason, however she tends to be backwards when it comes to new dogs (People she tends to just bark a few times and get over it) LOL!