

Profile Information:

Winthrop, Massachusetts
About Me:
George is happy to have found Mycorgi.com and so are we! Thanks for the welcomes.
About My Corgi(s):
George joined our family in the summer of 2007. He lives with us and our two cats and makes us laugh every single day (well, maybe not the cats). He loves running in circles, looking out the window, the local hardware store where they give him biscuits, christmas decor and meatballs.

Comment Wall:

  • Sasha

    Welcome to our little 687 people family!
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome marvelous George and family!
  • Cindi

    Welcome George and Family!
  • Sam Tsang

    Hey Rachel! Glad you're enjoying the site :) Tell every corgi owner out there about us!!!
  • Kristen

    Rachael and George, Glad to have you here! George looks adorable!
  • Kristen

    George Looks so much like my little Fergie. He seemed to be pretty proud of his lobster costume! Too funny.
  • Marcie

    You're George is soooooo cute! I love the Lobster costume. My daughter dressed up as a fairy for Halloween and just took Prince as her 'steed' - most people didn't get it, but we did, that was all that mattered.
  • Heather

    George is adorable! He reminds me a lot of Corky :) Love the lobster outfit!
  • Stephanie & Lola

    Hi Rachel!! George is such a cute!! I live like less than 10 minutes away in Revere. Welcome :)
  • Stephanie & Lola

    I am very interested! I live in the Point of Pines so we kind of have a private beach. I think I have met George before... lol. Weird question did you ever bring him to Kelly's??
  • Stephanie & Lola

    LOL!! Yes that's me!! *embarassed* hahaha
  • Lindsay

    I came across your profile on here and instantly recognized your picture of George in his lobster costume...I bought my puppy from the same breeder! I saw his picture on Stephanie's website and thought he was too cute! He was one of the reasons I decided to purchase a puppy from her!
  • Laurie

    Thank you! Does your George chase cats like my George does? He gives our cats fits. I hope when he grows up he will learn to be friends with them.
  • Lisa P from WV

    I love your pics...the lobster outfit is sooo funny! I hope this site sells Halloween costumes when the time comes. Too funny! Lisa P from WV
  • Cindi

    George is awesome. Tank has a yellow raincoat, too, and he loves it. George looks like quite a character!