

Honolulu, HI

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
My husband is in the Navy. I'm not working, so I get to stay at home with Frodo. We live in Hawaii right now, although we're moving to Connecticut soon.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Frodo is a wonderful little dog. He is 7 years old now, but the vet says he is in an excellent condition for his age. Frodo is a sweet, snuggly boy, but he can get crazy and play when he wants to. He's a little antisocial with other dogs, but he LOVES people. Anyone that gives him an ear scratch or belly rub will be his friend for life.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Gail L

    Welcome! Love the name, he is very handsome.
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Welcome! Frodo is very handsome.....I like his brown "eyebrows"!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Elaine

    Thanks for sharing pictures of your precious pup!
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome to MyCorgi.com!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Thank you so much for your compliment. It means alot. I love these guys to death and I am definitely surrounded by them. I think I'd be lost w/o them. LOL
  • Gabby and Lilly

    Aww!! Frodo is so cute- he definitely looks like a snuggle bug!

    He looks so happy with you, and he is rather cute
  • Laura Jones

    Welcome! What a handsome boy.
  • Karen

    Frodo is a real cutie! I've often thought that corgis would be the perfect "Middle Earth" companion for the Hobbits of the Shire!! Welcome!
  • Nicole

    hey they def are! I just realized your in new london lol. Do you ever go to the Groton dog park? If youd like to meet up one day I would be more than happy to. Morgan tends to be fiesty with other dgs but not really with corgis. Marley is great with other dogs in general.
  • Karen

    lol really? Well, my dogs are just a tad too errr...."bulky" to perch on the arm of a couch! Corgis are the best!!

    Hi Kate! Frodo looks really sweet with you. I am glad that you guys found him. Are you planning to get another corgi for company? Hopefully Benzo will have another corgi around soon. Take care.
  • Nicole

    I didnt know there was one in waterford lol. I love the one in Groton. Its huge with hill and not to many trees. I used to live in Hamden and there dog park had rocks instead of grass and my two spoiled ones were not having it. But I dont blame them, walking on rock or grass....Marley and Morgan love the snow. Me though, not so much so it would be a better time to go when it was very warm lol.
  • Nicole

    They have a big and a small. If theres any of the following...Huskies, German Shepards or Pit Bulls I take them to the small one because Morgan thinks shes cujo lol and shes not at all. The other day when I was taking Marley out (we have a sewer that sinks in the ground about three feet) he started sliding down the icy snow in the sink hole and was running like crazy to get out but couldnt its was so cute but he wasnt happy.