Fozzie Bear


United States

Profile Information:

Folsom, CA
About Me:
I'm Erica, Fozzie's biggest fan... ahem... owner. Fozzie is the sunshine of my life. : )

One day, I hope to get a Cardigan Welsh Corgi... hopefully show quality. But, I love my little mongrel boy!
About My Corgi(s):
Fozzie is a 2 year-old Cardi Corgi mix... mixed with, only God knows what. I adopted him from a rescue when he was 9 weeks old.

The Fozzmeister enjoys everyone, everything, and everywhere. Particularly food and the ladies! His favorite passtimes include but are not limited to: eating, chasing hoses, cuddling, sassing off, & being the coolest dog in the dog park. He obviously takes after his Corgi heritage, in looks and personality.

Comment Wall:

  • Erica

    Welcome Fozzie!
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Fozzie and family!
  • Carlee

    Yay Fozzie!!! I demand more pictures! :D
  • Kristen

    Welcome Fozzie and Family. My Corgis like to chase the horses too, but they rarely cooperate. Thehy only run when they want to play..., but the kids keep trying.
  • Kristen

    I forgot to mention how perfectly the name Fozzie seems to fit. What a cutie!
  • Katelyn

    Your corgi is adorable!!!!! Fozzie is an AWESOME name!
  • Carlee

    Yaaay! OMG, Fozzie baby pictures.. *dies* He is SO cute. I will turn on my desktop and move over some more of the millions of pictures I have of Regis! Ooh! We have to get together when Regis and I visit California!!
  • Gizmo

    Thank you.
    Fozzie is really cool! How does he keep in shap? Gizmo'ld like to know his secret.
  • Melissa

    What a great name and such a cutie too!

    Fozz looks like he might be mixed with something sled-doggish like a husky or malamute. I wonder how that would've happened, though...
  • CaptainCorgi

    Why thank you, Eowyn thanks you too! Goodness me, your Fozzmeister is absolutely adorable. I love his one blue eye. *snugs him*

    Haha, If you take the Zoi, watch out! He'll kiss ya!
  • Carlee

    My goal right now is after(or before) Christmas, as I have to spend it here in TN. After that, I plan to come back next summer. I'm not sure which time I'll be bringing Regis, I'll let you know though! Cute little FozzFozz & Reegie
  • Gizmo

    I know! Fossie's eyes are unbearable,he gets the special eyes--there is a feeling in his eyes but I don't know words to explain that--, and his body is just right.
    Gizmo,45 lb--8 lb overweight--We can not help to call him Pigdog-Lioncut helps him a bit to look smaller.;)
  • Katelyn

    Thank you!!!! =D HAHAHA everyone asks that! When I named him butters I already knew about the butters from south park, but I thought about the idea because it just fit him. Didn't really have to do with south park. Your corgi has one blue eye! SO PRETTY!
  • Kristen

    You are too kind! I'm sure the horses would b glad to accomodate Fozzie. The miniatures love to chase the Corgis around the paddock the big guys only run when they are in the mood.
  • CaptainCorgi

    Why thank you. *Eowyn bats her eyelashes* She does have pretty eyes, usually they are dark, but once they get into the sun, *sigh*....They make angel's sing.

    I'm not sure when we'll be in Cali, hopefully soon. (I was actually just there in Covina about a week ago) I want to take little Eowyn to the beach again. She's only been there once in her whole life, when she was 6 months, and now that we have the Zoi, I'm sure he'll love the beach as well! I'll be sure to bring my camera for I can take plenty of pictures of the Corgz! :-)
  • Carlee

    They would be so cute next to eachother! I will bring a fire exinguisher just in case.. lol!

    I will keep you updated. How close are you to Santa Cruz? I won't have my car since I'm flying out, but I can probably borrow one from my Dad and drive out and maybe meet halfway or something so you don't have to do all of the driving/wasting of gas!

    It will probably be in early December or late November, depending on college & work. Regis is very excited though! :D