
39, Female

Brownsville, TX

United States

Profile Information:

Olmito, TX
About Me:
I enjoy playing videogames like Resident Evil Series, Metal Gear Solid Series, Final Fantasy Series, and I love animals, especially my corgis, Kupo, Khaleesi, and Harley!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Kupo, my male and very first corgi, is now 9 years old. Khaleesi, our female is 3 years old, and Harley is a year and a half old. They're all red and white and love being couch potatoes, especially when I'm gaming on my ps4, they also love going on walks and car rides!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Court

    Welcome Ada...I just got to the site this evening and your joining is right on top!
    you are not technically considered new with regards to writing or asking anything!
    please feel free. I have been here 2 months since I've gotten my rescue Court, to the left...
    Corgi kisses! Leila and Court
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Ada and Kupo!
  • Sam Tsang

    You're welcome, our site is very new, it was launched in sep 07 :) Tell everyone you know!!!
  • WhiteDove

    Hello Ada. . .Kupo is adorable. . .what a personality pupper. . . .
  • Shannon

    Love his shirt
  • Lauren (Duke and Daisy's momma)

    Thanks! Kupo is so cute. Wish we could teach Duke more tricks. He doesn't listen very well. How did you come up with the name Kupo? It's an interesting name. Duke likes to wear shirts too. :-)
  • momto3ltlgrlz

    Kupo is absolutely adorable!!! I love the shirt!
  • Sam Tsang

    The puppies are too cute! Hey are you ready for MGS4? I'm counting down the days :)
  • Sam Tsang

    He he he, I have been a huge fan for the MGS series since ps1 :)
    I was going to get the gun metal limited edition ps3, but the other day i saw people started listing theirs for over 1K on ebay, so I got a regular 40Gb last saturday.
    Should I get the Limited edition? the guys at game stop said that I should reserve it, but I didn't even reserve my GTA4 last time, so I can't really see how a game could run out of stock... I was one of those geeks that lined up for a PSP when they first came out, never again :)

    I heard there's going to be over 90 mins of cut scene :) I am just dying to get a closure on the series, but i heard Kojima is entertaining the idea of a MGS5, but I wonder how, cause this is supposed to be the end of the series.
  • Sam Tsang

    Yeah, Ninja Raiden is definitely better than the whimpy Raiden :) I love the hydrogen blade and the cyborg outfit, but the heels are questionable :) I wonder who's baby he's carrying.

    Really? they are going to make a MGS movie? I wonder who they'll cast as snake, I can't think of any good candidate just yet. Whoever it is, he's got some big shoes to fill, I pray that they don't mess it up.

    I saw some preview on RE5 the other day, looks promising :)
  • Sam Tsang
  • Sam Tsang

    I just finished Act 2, 4 hours in so far. It's awesome :) I actually just got my LE MGS4 bundle today from Amazon! I couldn't belief I got one, it was sold out in 11 minutes.
  • Sam Tsang

    I am finally done with the game, rolling credit for the second time. Very satisfied. This is gaming at it's finest :)
  • Sam Tsang

    I thought MGS1&2 was harder. this time it only took me 20 hours for MGS4, i think if you've played MGS1 you'll have a certain advantage. Remember to let the credits roll and don't touch anything :)
  • Sam Tsang

    Yeah, Naomi and Otacon would have been great, but I guess if it was a happy ending it would have ruined the drama factor :) Eva was really sad, she was one of my favorite character in MGS3, very james bondish. What a twist with Major Zero, how could he be the bastard was behind all these shenanigans??? I thought the turning off oxygen thing was a little "weak", but what are you gonna do with an old man on wheel chair? sigh... I thought the 6 axis element was a little too little, I wish it had something major like psycho mantis with the control and weird game over screen...etc. I was hoping Kojima would utilize the 6 axis a bit more. I think I wasted a lot of time on vamp, I knew i had to inject stuff into him, but I forgot I had to have no weapon in order to perform CQC... Meryril and Johnny was good at times, but it gotten a little too corny during last fight, i mean they took ALOT of bullets. I was quite worried towards the end that I was not able to kill liquid, because snake was just out of the microwave and no weapons was allowed, but hey, it was almost too easy, I LOVED the soundtrack from the 123, simply awesome, what a way to tie things together. I wonder if Kojima will ever make MGS5, I hate to see another one out but don't live up to the expectations.

    Solidus was the name of one of the chickens on the Nomad. They have chickens named Solid, Liquid, and Solidus. Solidus chicken didn't lay any eggs on that day.

    During those mission briefing, you can use the MK II or III to collect goodies around the Nomad, and you'll spot the chickens with their name tags.

    I am not sure about the numbers, let me know when you find out :)
  • Sam Tsang

    Oh by the way, where can i find out what animal ranking I got? I was totally focusing on what camo I got after beating the game.
  • Sam Tsang

    wow, so how do you "kill" the bosses? just CQC alone? Have you tried online yet? I might do that after I install yellow dog linux :) I am so bummed about not knowing my rank... also what happen to all those camos that I got from finishing the game? I don't see them in my inventory??
  • Sam Tsang

    The unknown was killing me, so I went back and played the last level, my rank was "hawk" because I helped the rebels to fight the PMCs :) I also got the earthworm, pig, jaguar and frog emblem.
  • Sam Tsang

  • Lady Bug (Michelle)

    Come check us out! I just started a group for all Texans (or former Texans) and their corgis:
  • Lady Bug (Michelle)

    Welcome Ada & Kupo! So glad you could join us!

  • Lady Bug (Michelle)

    Gamer chicks rock! And then you're a Corgi lover too....a woman after my own heart!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Corgibyassociation

    Happy Early Birthday!
  • Sam Tsang

    Hey Hey Hey! It's your Birthday!
  • Deanna

  • Juneaux and Maximus

    hey! i saw houston and clarice in some of your pics--we just bought a puppy from houston and trisia. did clarice and kupo breed?
  • Juneaux and Maximus

    How cute!:) I had NO idea there were even corgis in the area till I found this site! Kupos such a cutie!
  • Deanna

    Good morning, Kupo and Ada! My, what big, beautiful ears you have!

    HI Ada hows it going yes I am looking for another corgi how much are you asking for a pup?
  • Shelaine

    Aw man. Your room sounds like mine!!! I'm so excited for it to come out! It seems like it's going to be a hell of a lot harder than RE4. I've been playing the demo on the 360, i'm gonna have to get used to the ps3 controls though. I love final fantasy too! Kupo is the cutest friggin name ever!!!