

Little Mountain, SC

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Corgi Fan for many years. Have 4 total, 3 that live with us.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I love my corgis!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Kathy and Jillie

    Welcome Karen and Corgi Family! Jillie says hi from Greenville, South Carolina! Yeah....another South Carolinian! Where are you located? Check out the SC group! Happy New Year!
  • ChestersMom

    I didn't suspect diabetes until I noticed him drinking A LOT of water, and constantly wanting to go out to pee. THEN he started having accidents.

    But the worst thing for me to realize was that a month or two in advance of the drinking and accidents, he stopped sleeping through the night. He'd whine and cry during the night. I realized later that he was in so much pain.

    Memorial Day weekend is when I realized that I should have paid attention to his whining months before. He cried all weekend. (He was diagnosed on that Friday - but not given insulin) I think we got 3 hours of sleep from Friday to Tuesday. I had taken him to the Emergency Vet, but they contradicted my regular vet and said that my dog was not diabetic (without doing ANY tests) and said that Chester only had arthritis and gave him Tramadol as a pain killer. Well, the Tramadol didn't TOUCH his pain.

    I now pay attention to every change in Chester. He's at the vet for every little thing. Seems a bit hypochondriac-ic, but he deserves me to take care of him since he can't take care of himself.

    Happy New Year!
  • ChestersMom

    It may be that she is drinking a lot of water because of her liver problems, but it's ALWAYS better to be safe. :o)
  • Davia

    Fun site. Glad you joined. That's our Harley in the pic he's 3 yrs old. What a face he looks like he's smiling.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Kristen

    Welcome Karen and Family. We are a four Corgi household as well. My youngest daughter thinks I am crazy! You have some lovely Corgis!
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome to MyCorgi.com!
  • Anne

    Hi, Next time we are in SC we will stop by your antique shop in Little Mountain. Maybe the dogs could have a little play date. My Aunt used to live in Sullivan's Island for many years. Beautiful area.
  • Sam Tsang

    Happy Birthday!
  • Carmen

    Happy birthday!