

Grapeview, WA

United States

Profile Information:

I now live in Grapeview, Washington, but I don't consider it my hometown. That's actually Detroit, MI.
About Me:
I live in western Washington State between Tacoma and Olympia but on the other side of Puget Sound. In addition to my two dogs I have a husband and two Goffin cockatoos. Maisy is my first corgi but I expect I'll have cardigans the rest of my life.

I'm a freelance computer tutor and website developer and I love anything to do with computers. Need a website? :-)
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My blue merle cardigan welsh corgi is 1 1/2 years old. Her name is Maisy. I also have a female 3 year old german shepherd dog, Kyra.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Maisy and family!
  • Lil' Guinness

    Wow! I love the profile picture! You should go to and it has very cool stuff that you could put your corgis on! It is like a photoshop type of thing. Also, I'd love it if you'd come and join my group, the Awkward Little Sleepers Club! Maisy is very cute corgi too!
  • Alice

    Welcome! That picture of Maisy is so cute. I have a blue merle as well but he still just a puppy. I love blues! Hope to see more pictures soon. :)
  • Trenton and Denise

    Welcome to you and Maisy, and thanks for joing the Blue Crew. What a great picture of Underdog I knew he was actually a she and a Cardi.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Cheri

    Thanks! But I have to give the credit to Kevin Devine, the photographer who comes to our agility trials. They're his photos. I know nothing about photography.

  • Cheri

    Unfortunately we're probably not going to continue herding. The instructor we used to go to lost her husband and her heart just wasn't in it after that. She got rid of all her dogs and sheep so no more herding there. Plus herding is kind of difficult for Dudley because he's a natural driver and the sheep seem to pick up on that and make for the corner. He only wants to move them forward. We need a Border Collie to get them out of the corner for us and then he'll move them around the pasture. Is there team herding???
  • LaVerne & Shirley

    Greetings from Wenatchee. Im absolutely in love with Maisy! She couldnt be cuter! I got LaVerne in Onalaska. Is that very far from you?
  • Alice

    Thank you for the compliment on Finnigan. He's turning out nicely except for his ears not being totally secure yet. The inner edge of each ear wants to flop inward a little which makes his ears look pointy when really they have nicely rounded tips. We're going to try taping some more. We only did it a couple times then figured he'd get them the rest of the way up on his own, but maybe not. :)

    I love the pictures of Maisy. Her bi colored eye is so cute. I really like the video of her bounding through the snow like a deer. :)
  • Michelle

    What a cutie you have. I love the picture where he is loving on the show judge. He is living up to that Cardigan reputation!!! HAHAHAHAHA
  • Debbie Landrie

    Could you give me a little more information about the Herding Instinct Event.
    I'm interested, but not really sure what will be done or expected. I live in Ellensburg - so it wouldn't be far to travel.
  • Maisy

    Hi Debbie, I tried to figure out how to send a private message but I failed, so here's some more info on the herding event that I emailed Maisy's breeder a couple of weeks ago, it should answer any questions you have but let me know if there's anything else I could include:

    It's March 21, a Saturday. Sign up starts at 8am with testing starting about 9am.

    For the HCT there are two legs. The first leg gets a certificate at the event and earns the HIC, the second leg gets the certificate from the AHBA and will come in the mail a few weeks later, that leg earns the HCT. (bring info on your dog(s) such as a copy of their registration papers to fill out the AHBA forms at the event accurately). Better yet, pre-enter and you can fill in the forms at home and guarantee yourself a spot. HIC=Herding Instinct Certificate HCT=Herding Capability Tested.

    No prior training is needed. On the first leg they will just have you let your dog loose with three sheep (or ducks for timid dogs) and a sheep/dog handler. You are in the paddock with the dog. You can encourage the dog to herd (chase) the sheep around. If the dog shows interest and moves the sheep a bit it will pass and you'll get a certificate there. You'll also get a written critique from the evaluator.

    After all the HICs are done they will break for lunch. Our club is hosting so we'll be providing the food. I'm guessing it will run about 5.00 per plate. Maybe hamburgers or chili with sides. We'll probably also have coffee and pastries available first thing in the morning.

    After lunch they will start the HCTs. There will be a different person handling the sheep and a different evaluator from the HIC. This run is the same except at some point you'll be asked to get your dog to stop and stand still a moment and then come to you when you call. There's no hurry on it. It took a lot to get my GSD to stand still and the sheep handler was needed to make it happen. ;-) She still passed with flying colors.

    We are also offering 10.00 puppy runs. There's no certificate for that but early exposure can be great for a young pup as they will test better later and if you'd like to try herding this would be a great first experience for them. I wish I'd known about puppy runs, I would have brought Maisy. You may want to let your dogs watch prior to testing. I've watched several corgis do the testing and they are usually really great!

    Joe will also probably have lessons available after all the testing is done. He charges (I think) 10.00 for about 15 minutes with your dog.

    Ewetopia also has some agility equipment, dog walk, teeter, etc. People can have their dogs play on that while waiting their turns. That's fun too. Maisy does really well on the agility obstacles.
  • Cheri

    when I tried to look at the pedigree to compare with Dudley's the site said that page is no longer in the database.
  • Maisy

    Do you mean the pedigree database online I posted earlier? Here's my Maisy:

    This is the main site for cardis:
  • Rhonda

    I am hoping for a blue, but we haven't decided on male or female yet. We had a German Shepherd female for 12 years, and she was THE best dog ever. We set our hearts on the CWC because they are mini-german shepherds...should be a lot different than 110 pounds on trips! Man, the fluffies are so adorable...I feel like I am gonna be a kid in a candy shop when the time comes that I have to pick a puppy ou!
  • Maisy

    My GSDs are why I decided on a cardi too. :-)

    It's amazing and wonderful how much alike the two breeds are. I was so excited to learn about the breed and then to find the exactly perfect puppy within a week of deciding was doubly amazing.
  • Debbie Landrie

    Well, I got our male pem. (Max) signed up for the herding event. I'm hoping to take one of the girls also - but will be determined if she is cycling or not. Some times Max has problems focusing when one of his girls is in season. :-)
    A friend of mine may be joining me as well. I'm excited to give it a try.
  • Caroline LaVigne

    Loved your video! We don't get snow here in our part of Florida, I don't think my cardis would know what to do with it! Maisey certaintly seems to be having a blast! :D
  • Susan

    Love the video!!