

Portland, OR

United States

Profile Information:

Woburn MA
About Me:
I am "professional volunteer" who does grant writing, event planning, and newsletters for several Portland-area groups whom I love. I am blessed with a husband of 37 years (and a really handsome son of 20 - in photo). Husband is a retired Coastie, and his former career brought us to the gorgerous NW.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Wafl ("waffle") is now almost 4. Got him from a friend who used to bring Kiwi (W's mom) to the office. He is a BIG corgi - about 40 lbs. I plan to join the "troubled Corgi's" group to show how much damage he has done to our carpeting! Eating toilet paper rolls is not a problem - for him it's a treat. Great dog, but too protective of me - snarls at wonderful husband, and we are seeking help for that.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Welcome!!! Its nice to know there is at least 1 other 40 lb corgi out there!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Welcome! : )
  • Lauren + Winston

    welcomeeee i love portland ive been there once but it was awesome!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Oh, he is so cute! I love his markings. Welcome to the board!
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Spencer is also big boned although he could stand to lose a bit of weight. He was the largest of 9 in his litter...I fell in love with his size and fluffiness! We, too watch his junk dog food here...Evangers and Evo.

    Welcome to the site....lots of really nice people and adorable pups!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Lisa B

    Welcome! I am glad you joined cuz of us Corky is amy adorable little emptynester filler! He is just a pup and I dont think he will be very big he is 6 mos and weighs about 13 lbs. You have to join our group corgis caught in crimes it is hilarious! I would send a invite but my daughter is the one that helps me do stuff on my page i am rather computer illiterate!:( But if you go to my page and see my groups you can click on and join yourself i believe. the stories are funny and it is funny how thery are all the same! Corky LOVES the toilet paper too! Only fulllrolls are his favs, so I am trying to teach, full rolls not acceptable" The one he is shown with was a full roll! They also love the dishwasher and chewing electical cords! This is a fun somputer spot my husband I think I am crazy! Pegi and muffinbutt are like you and I too same age and kids just grown and love our little corgis! Your corgi is adorable!!!
  • Joanna, Rainy and Calvin

    What a handsome corgi you have! He has a great smile! Must be all that flossing with toilet paper. >:)
  • Lauren + Winston

    haha yeah i hated the weather when i was out there (pretty much exactly a year ago) but it was so easy to walk around. i didn't use any public transportation i had to pay for, it was awesome. and i have no idea how i get winston to put on anything, usually he'll just sit there and let me do it and then try to get it off hahaha. he's never really dressed all the time, just randomly, like during OSU games to wear his OSU jersey, or when i found the matching shirts at my job :)
  • Sam Tsang

  • Tina and Cooper

    Walf is so Handsome boy,,,wonderful stories ;; LOL :o) Cooper isnt into tp rolles he loves flip flops lol