Joanna, Rainy and Calvin


Clarence Center, NY

United States

Profile Information:

Clarence Center, NY
About Me:
Corgis Rule, so enough about me...lets read about corgis!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My First corgi's name was Algy. He was a black-headed tri-color. On March 24, 2010, after a short time, he finally lost the struggle with lymphoma. He was a good boy, very sweet and low key and always a pleasure to have around. He loved rides and donuts, and popcorn at the park on Lake Ontario. In the summertime, he'd go blueberry picking and steal berries from other people's buckets. We miss him very much.

We now have two new corgis in our lives! Both come from Jane Christensen in Minnesota. Rainy, who now lives the sweet life with my parents, is an absolutely sweet corgi with a very gentle dispostion, and loves to be loved. She will be smothered with a generous helping of that here. Calvin is our newest member and was a rescue that Jane took in and fostered. He is a cardi who missed out on his major window of socialization, but we hope to continue the work that Jane started, and get him out and about. He likes to people watch, but from a safe distance, and boy does he like to cuddle! I hope to have more pictures up of him soon.
I have:
Both Pembroke and Cardigan

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  • Jane Christensen

    AWWWWW:) good to hear. Bella is leaving this AM to go live with a family about an hour from here...even though it's hard...the dogs end up having such great lives:) Thank your mom and dad for me!

  • Jane Christensen

    Oh my....Joanna! I sure wish you lived a couple states closer...Sage and I would come and visit you and Calvin. Sounds like you've had a tough year, so sorry to hear that! I actually was thinking about you recently and was going to email you and your mom BUT got busy and didn't. Linda on here has a dog that has some calcification(sp) and I think she gets her dog acupuncture...might want to check it out. Give the Corgis a hug for me and tell your parents "hi"! Take care and I hope to hear from you soon!!!!!!! 

  • John Wolff