Kim & Nellie


Sylvania, OH

United States

Profile Information:

Sylvania, OH
About Me:
My husband and I are empty nesters and wanted a dog to help keep us active and to keep us company. We both work full time, but love coming home to our new little bundle of joy!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Nellie was born 7-7-08 and she is our first puppy! She is teaching us so much about patience and consistency . . . . . we are starting training classes tomorrow!

Thought it was time to update a little bit as Nellie is now a little over 8 months old. We've been to Puppy Kindergarten and Obedience Training and have found a wonderful trainer . . . . . who trained me as well as Nellie! I knew we were in for a long session when she asked us on the first visit: " what made you choose this particular breed?"! Nellie is a little head strong, but she is a quick learner and we have mastered, sit, heel, and down both inside and outside. Boy did "down" outside take a long time! We are continually working on "stay" with varied success. This totally depends on what or who may be making noises near her when she is trying to stay. In some ways, it's pretty funny to watch! She is also learning some cute little tricks like shake, roll over, and go to sleep. And again, working with her is so much fun as she is a quick student . . . . . especially when there is a treat in the offering!
Her favorite toy is her 10" herding ball and she can really get it moving!

We continue to have a lot of fun with her and it is so nice to come home to that smiling little face.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Laura Jones

    Welcome! Can't wait to see pictures.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Kelly

    Nellie is only a week younger than my Gibson! I love comparing puppies!
  • Corgi lover! (Misty)

    Oh what a little cutie!!! Welcome!
  • Kelly

    Gibson is our only pet. We used to have a hedgehog, but she died in October :( He's our first dog to raise by ourselves and first corgi I've ever had, so lots of learning experiences! I don't think I can ever have two dogs at one time..I'd feel like I wouldn't be able to spoil Gibson as much as I should and he'd get jealous haha!
  • Kelly

    Yep, it's a martingale! I just got it a week or so ago and love it. We used choke chain collars in obedience class, which I was not a fan of, but liked the way they worked on I thought this was a more humane way of doing the same thing. It's an over the head kind.
  • Kelly

    ooo I was thinking about getting one from 2houdsdesign! They are gorgeous there. Jenna from the blog Corgi Pants made mine for me in a swap for a t-shirt from my corgi store I recently started on cafepress :)

    Gibson doesn't seem to mind the over the head collar. I put it on him in the morning and take it off at night, so he has gotten used to it. He sometimes is a brat and struggles w/me though!
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome to!
  • Kelly

    Thanks Kim! Oh, yeah stay took forever to learn. We would spend hours every night working w/him when he was in obedience class! It just takes time and persistance!! How did your martingale work out for you?? :)
  • Kerstyne

    Oh my goodness! I can't believe we have babies from not only the same place but the same mom and dad!

    We should absolutely get together with them and I can tell you allll about having two spoiled brats haha.

    we live on Coppersmith right off of McCord.
  • Kerstyne

    How is training going? I took Eddy a few times but ended up training him myself.
  • Kerstyne

    I'm free weekends and have class M&W until 3:15pm. If you wanted to meet this weekend we could, or even today. I could bring over my bad boys and we could talk. I literally have been laughing about this. How funny that they have the same parents, we live so close, and we've been looking for corgi buddies.
  • Kerstyne

    I look forward to your message!
  • Kerstyne

    Sunday at 1pm works fine. I'll likely bring my younger brother; would this be okay?
  • Kerstyne

    Today was wonderful! I had a lot of fun and it was great to see Nellie. When the sun is shining a little brighter we'll have to have you over for a barbecue and we'll have a doggy pool and all of that.

  • Riley & Sadie

    I've been thinking about starting a group myself. I'm glad there's one around this area now. I've been reading all the posts and looking at the pics of all the fun other corgi owners have been having all over the country. I think we need to have a Corgi picnic when it warms up some.
  • Riley & Sadie

    I'll start working on it. I'll keep you posted.
  • Applejack Pembrokes

    Kim, I walk at Wildwood myself, when do you go? It would be fun to meet up, I need more excercise along with Izzy who is getting kinda "Pudgy". Nellie is wonderful!!!! and little Dexter sure is doing good. When Tax season is over on April 15th I can walk anytime. We have been trying to walk avery Sunday when the weather is OK. Keep up the good work she is a "beauty"...Susan