Kelly & Ozzee


Bonsall, CA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I live in Southern California. I own (ed) two pembroke welsh corgi's. I fell in love with corgi's about 5-6yrs ago when I was in New York visiting family. My cousin had one and I couldn't resist not having one myself.. So I did some research online and found Wren. I picked her up on Feb. 29th, 2004! On June 14, 2006 I lost my frist dog (golden retreiver) named, Cody he was 13yrs. Two Years past and I so badly wanted to get another corgi. So again I did some more research and found Ozzee. I brought him home on May 12th, 2008. Unfortunately on Sept. 20th, 2008 Wren went to live with her new family, and Im happy to say she loves it there. I miss her but I couldn't juggle two corgi's who didn't get along.

I am 23yrs old, I work full time at a health food store in Oceanside. I dont' have any kids but my corgi is like having a child! I have attended some college. Im kind of a shy person but once I get to know you, I open up.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Hi! I have a pembroke welsh corgi (tri color) he's just under a year old. His name is Ozzee. He is quiet a trouble maker, but I love him just the same. I also had/have a female pembroke welsh corgi (tri color), named Wren.

I unfortunately I had give her to a family friend because she would not accept Oz into the family. Wren hurt Oz terribly when he was 3mos old, Oz had to have emergency surgery to repair sevre tear in his neck. The doctors didn't think he was going to make it, but he surprised us all with a full recovery.

Ozzee, is very independent but also loves to be where everyone is. Ozzee has a best friend Mr.Busy (my kitty) they wrestle, chase, play, cuddle etc. its quiet entertaining to watch them play with one another. Oz has a very playful personality!

I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Kelly and Ozzee! We're practically neighbors! Have you been to any San Diego Corgi Meet-up get-togethers? We have so much fun. We also go to a great obedience school in VIsta/Oceanside. Hope to see you around!

    PS - I love going to local health food stores, could be I've been at yours!
  • A & P

    Ozzee is really cute! Where did you get him? He looks very much like my tri.
  • Bobbie

    Hi Kelly
    How fun to work in a health food store. I think I would love that, However I would have to try everything aNd that could be bad. lol
    Anyway your baby is beautiful..I've only had Brodie for 4 days now so I'm still learning.. My retriever is such a good girl that I really don't remember going throu9h all this..
    Anyway talk to you soon
  • Joanna, Rainy and Calvin

    Hi Kelly!!!!! So nice to see you and Ozzee!! Algy and I are thrilled to actually know someone here at my corgi! It's really great here and there are so many corgis and corgi lovers! Ozzee is super cute, especially in that bucket collar picture. Glad that he's OK after the incident. I remember hearing about that when it happened. It's good that Wren also found a place of her own. Add more photos when you can!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Sam Tsang

  • Lauren and Daisy

    Hi! Ozzee looks like a very sweet corgi.
  • Corgi lover! (Misty)

    What a cutie!
  • Joanna, Rainy and Calvin

    Love the new photos! What ears!!!
  • Joanna, Rainy and Calvin

    Algy is doing well. He went to the beauty parlor and got washed and has a nice teal neckerchief! My dad says he smells like a French Wh*re. Fran told me about Mr. Busy and Ozzee cornering some kind of mole or something near your patio. I hope all is going well out there in California! I keep saying that sometime I will come back out there - its been SOOOO long. I want to meet the corgi!!
  • Melissa Bee

    Thank you for looking at our photos an' I'm glad you like them. I think Ozzee an' I would get along great!! Skeezix
  • Chris

    Happy Birthday!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Maxine Stone

    Happy B-Day!
  • Corgibyassociation

    Happy Birthday!
  • Deanna

  • Libby and Dyddy!!

    Happy Birthday!
  • Maxine Stone

    Hope to see you at the meetups soon
  • Corgibyassociation

    Oh your welcome :D. Hope you had a great one. Oh, if you dress your corgi up, you should join my group (if you haven't already).
  • Sharon

    Glad to hear from you, hope you had a good Birthday!!! see you all soon.