


United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
just a regular guy who loves dogs
About My Corgi(s):
Benny's light sable Pembroke Corgi who loves to follow me around all day...

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Richard and family!
  • Butter

    Welcome from one Cardi owner to another. He is really sweet.
  • Butter

    It is a joy to have him, that is for sure. We are leaving him for the first time and I am going to miss him so much!!! Your Toby is so handsome. I wish I had a chance to see ours as a puppy!! I find that Cardis do have a lovely temperments also. So relaxed and laid back and LOVING!!! They are very inquisitive though and follow you everywhere, especially in the beginning until they get the routine down. I just wish mine were a bit smaller...wanted to buy a 14 pound pug to cuddle and got a 47 pound Cardi who is way to big to ever put in your lap.
    Did the breeder say how heavy she expected him to get. Ours is 9 and I think from older breeding habits. I am getting the feeling that ones bred now are bred much smaller for household pets. Would be interested to know this for some day when we may get another one.
    thanks and have a great day Joy and Baby Butter
  • Julie

    Yay for tris! Welcome!
  • Lil' Guinness

    Oh gosh, I just can't get over how cute that picture is! By the way, how old is he?
  • Lil' Guinness

    Me too!!! I'm getting mine on the 28, in 10 days!!!! I'm so excited! When are you getting yours?
  • Lil' Guinness

    Cool! I'm waiting and waiting for the day to come! 9 more days!!!
  • Lil' Guinness

    Yeah. I think that is the average age to pick the pup up, 8-12 weeks. Our puppy will be 8 weeks too when we pick him up!
  • Wynne Phillips

    Oh-what a cutie! Welcome!
  • Rabbit

    Wow... your pup looks so much like mine I had to stop and compare... they are both the same amount of fluffy, and similar coloring. Where did you get yours?
  • Rabbit

    Ah... I got mine in Bakersfield. Is that far from Corona? She's about 14-15 weeks old. I know Corgi's get fat, so I only feed her a handful in the AM and a handful at night. (Plus her rawhides and congs). The vet says she's the ideal weight, so I guess it's working.
  • Pat Pearce

    Thank you for the welcome & the complements
  • Juel

    WElcome! what a cute face!
  • Cindi

    OMG! Toby is ADORABLE! Glad to have you here with us!
  • Corgi Mom

    Welcome to the group! Toby is way too cute for words!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Nice to meet you Richard. He's a cutie. I give my Corgis yogurt also. When they are younger I also give Sure Grow 100 which is a calcium phospherus ratio for maximum absorption that will help w/bone strength and tightening of ligaments. You can order this from Its not expensive at all.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    LOL...Now you won't get rid of me since you verified who you were. What a small world. It was great hearing back from you and the wonderful compliment you gave me in the email. Thanks..It means alot and gives me verification I'm doing what I'm striving for. Have a great week.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    I loved the picture you took of his little paw print on the concrete from wet paws. That is too cute. =)

  • Chris & Tara

    I sent an email to you from my yahoo account,
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    what a beautiful puppy. Is that the same puppy in the profile pic. it looks like his coloring is changing to be more sable. or is that two different puppies. either way.. beautiful.
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    i thought so.. didn't think that the color could change that much. they are both beautiful.. how do you like having the two.? do they entertain eachother? i wish i could get Gizmo to lose more weight.. but if i feed him any less i might starve him LOL.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's