Amanda Kay Smith


Iowa City, IA

United States

Profile Information:

Manly, IA
About Me:
I'm a Senior at the University of Iowa, about to graduate in Anthropology/Spainsh. My graduation gift (which I picked out) is a Corgi pup. I've spent most of the last four years traveling the world and in July I'm moving to Spain where my fiance and I have bought a house and am able to settle down and own my own dog! My dad is a vet and I grew up helping around our clinic. I love animals and I can't wait to be a corgi owner. We would get a Corgi in Spain, but they are almost impossible to find. Fortunately the paper work to travel to the EU with a puppy is not to extensive, and with my dad's help we won't have any problems.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I am waiting on a puppy who was born in early March. We are going on April 18th to pick out which one will be ours. I am so excited! We won't be able to take him home until May, but that gives me time to finish school and have time to care for a puppy!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Jenni & Dave Fields

  • Carmen

    Hi Amanda. I'm glad you found the site. I hope your corgi pup brings you as much joy as my Pandora brings me.
  • mosesbotbol

    Must be amazing to bring your dog to Spain. I am sure he'll be quite a popular dog walking down the street.
  • Karen Dadisman

    Hi Mandy, Congrats on the new pup. Bet you didn't expect to see me here!!

    Your former teacher