

Lincoln, NE

United States

Profile Information:

Brooklyn, NY
About Me:
My name's Denise and I'm a first time dog owner. I know nothing, so I'm on here to make friends, look at fun photos, and learn about what I can expect for my new baby girl!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Bindi = A bindi (from Sanskrit bindu, meaning "a drop, small particle, dot") is a forehead decoration worn in South Asia (particularly India) and Southeast Asia. Traditionally it is a dot of red color applied in the center of the forehead close to the eyebrows, but it can also consist of a sign or piece of jewelry worn at this location.

Bindi was born 8/26/08 and came home 11/1/08.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Kristen

    Welcome to you first time dog owner and Bindi! Your Bindi is a little doll. I love her little "kiss spot" on top of her head. This is a great place for a first time dog owner (especially Corgi owner) There is a lot of good experience to take advantage of here. I live north of Lincoln and work in Lincoln five days a week. Friday one of my Corgis will be coming to work with me...she has an appointment to have staples removed. Enjoy your Corgi...they are a great breed.
  • Kathy and Jillie

    Welcome Bindi and family! Such a cutie pie!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Welcome! Spencer had a dot on his head too when he was a pup
  • Cheryl

    I love the dot on the head! Welcome!
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Bindi and familiy!
  • Cagney & Lacey & Chapin

    Oh I love her markings. She is a cutie. So first time dog person and a corgi, huh? You will be a goner. They steal your heart but fast. Be careful though or you may decide like we did that one isn't enough!

  • Merlin's Parents

    The markings on top of her head are very distinctive and so cute. It's like she has a little "crop circle" up there on top!
  • Eppie

    wow i have 4 little pups and 1 of their names is bindi too. now my quetion is did you name her that the same reason we did? from the dot between the eyebrows that indian women wear cuz ours has a dot right there but its a little smaller. (:
  • Eppie

    nevermind i was to dumb to look at the about your dog section so now i know and yes that is the ame reason we named ours that
  • Eppie

    well only 4 and most corgis have 8-10 and i dont think that would of left you this comment if we had 8 because all of my family would be either in the hospital or dead from stress!!!!! (not that we don't luv them!!!)
  • Leslie

    hahhaha, he walked around with it for a while until the cowboy tipped over and he started to gnaw on him...... it looked kind of violent, the beast was unleashed.
  • Renee

    Hi, Glad to meet you. I have a daughter in Hastings. I know thats not real close but it's a start. Have a good day!
  • Eppie

    we sold our pup named bindi 2 some dude in san fran its gonna be used as a christmas present! well it is a good gift rite???? :P
  • LaVerne & Shirley

    Oh my gosh I LOVE her markings!!!!! Awwwwwww.....Bindi and my pup are just a few days apart in age. LaVerne was born on 8/31/08. Great name too!!
  • Kristen

    Bindi, I just "re-created the Nebraska Corgi Group. I hope you will join and help me keep the group active. It would be fun to organize a Nebraska Meet-up. I know we have several people on the site from Nebraska or with dogs that came from Nebraska Breeders.
  • Mike Hammer

    Yes I do.
    Send me their contact info and I will let them know when we have puppies. Sandy is due in the next couple weeks.
    Thank you for contacting me!
  • Mike Hammer

    Thanks for the heads up about my site!! It is up and running again.
  • LaVerne & Shirley

    Thank you for the invitation. I love your Bindi. What great markings! Very clever name.
  • LaVerne & Shirley

    LaVerne is right around 19 lbs according to my scale, but I think it weighs heavy. I'd like to think so ( I tend to retain ice cream ) How much does Bindi weigh?