
41, Female


United States

Profile Information:

Lexington, Ky
About Me:
I've become a more devoted Corgi-mom than I ever thought I would be to a dog. But you can't help it when they look up at you with those soft brown eyes full of love and you know you're hooked.

My little Corgi girl and I have gone through a lot together and I wouldn't have wanted to go through it with any other dog.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Dallas Mae -- aka "Dally" or her AKC registered name PACH Frontiers Honkytonkbadonkadonk CGC, RN, NF, AX, AXJ, MXPB, MXP5, MJPB, MJPB5, PAX

Dally was born July 16, 2005, and she joined my family in September 2005. Since then, we have moved from Indiana to Texas to Oklahoma and now to Kentucky. For just a little over two years we've been training and competing in agility, in both American Kennel Club (AKC) and Canine Performance Events (CPE) arenas. Dally and I qualified for the 2012 AKC National Agility Championships in Reno, Nev., where she finished 8th in the nation in the 4-inch division. Since then we have competed in the 2013 and 2014 AKC National Agility Championships. We're currently nearing our PAX and PACH, as well as qualifying for the 2013 AKC NAC in Tulsa, Okla. In CPE, she has many titles, including her Level 1. We've even dabbled a little in the herding, but she seems more content to herd my horses at home than herding "stinky" sheep.

When we return home to visit "Grammie" and "Granpie", Dally enjoys going to the barn and helping mom with the horses (we some times get a little too excited with herding and get into trouble).

Dally has a "little sister" now--LaMesa (Mill Creek's Chyna Rust RN, AX,AXJ) is a 4-year-old Swedish Vallhund who is also competing in agility. They are best buddies.

Other fun activities Dally loves is playing with her tuggie toys and her tennis balls (aka "Tennie"), and loves to go for walks/runs and checking out local creeks and lakes.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Megan! Hope you enjoy :) Dallas Mae's name so so funny!!! Honkytonkbadonkadonk
  • Mary Phoenix

    Congratulations to Dally Mae for her stunning jump!
  • Carol Braitman

    HI Megan,
    Where in Indiana did you come home to? I am in Indianapolis, well, really Carmel. I have a 14 year old daughter that is a horse and corgi lover!!
  • Carol Braitman

    We don't own any horses. My daughter rides at Kaufmans stable in Westfield. I almost bit a couple years ago, Charlottes breeder lives in Kirklin, and also raises horses, and boards. I just can't figure out how to add more time to properly own a horse. A good friend of mine also has corgis and pugs, and is really active in agility. She lives in Zionsville.
  • Florence Fong

    Hi Megan,
    You have a really beautiful corgi there. There's never a dull moment once you have a corgi in your life. Ritz (the picture is not him-yet to upload) is my 3rd. corgi. Had 2 corgis previously-Roger & Roy.
  • Kristen

    Corgis and horses seem to go together. Our Corgis try to herd the horses, but they will have nothing of it! My daughter recently left Lexington, KY. She is working at becoming a Jockey and will be settling in in Tampa for a while. Good luck in Lexington. It is a beautiful place. My profile picture was taken near Georgetown,KY. The Corgis love the water!
  • Carol Braitman

    Hi Megan and Dally from snowy Indiana!
  • Francine

    Good luck in the agility trial! It looks like a lot of fun, and corgi's are such naturals. I have a horse too, but we have to board so my corgi (Kona) doesn't see her much.
  • Francine

    Alaska is super cold right now! It was 47 below this morning and there is no end in sight. One small town in Alaska got down to 70 below. Unbelievable!
  • Carol Braitman

    Hi Megan, Good luck with the agility trials! The dog show is here this weekend. We are planning to go Sat. One of my friends is showing her pug, and agility. That would be great to meet during horse show time. Liz, my 14 yo, would love to meet your horses!!
  • Carol Braitman

    Hi Megan, We went to the dog show today. Saw the judging of the cardi's and the pems. They were all soo cute!!!
  • Kate

    Megan, it seems we have a LOT in common. Horses were my life as well. Then I went to college and no longer had the time that they deserved. I miss them EVERY day. It's nice to have a corgi friend to fill a bit of the void. I dream of moving to Kentucky someday... but it will probably not happen (my husband is deeply in love with Montana). I hope to start agility classes as soon we're settled down somewhere long enough to do so. Take care :D
  • Bonny

    Hey! I see you're in one of my fav. towns! My husband and I met, fell in love, got married, and bought a corgi while we were students at UK. In fact, we lived on the university farm (by the horse park). It was heaven on earth! Fortunately we still get back there once in a while as his parents live in E. KY. It's great that you've had a chance to do agility...the stars haven't aligned for me yet! Hopefully you'll have your horses again one day (still waiting for that one, too). Gosh, grown-up life kinda sucks! Cheers!
  • CaptainCorgi

    You sound like a very dedicated Corgi mom! You have a very sweet little corgi, so very cute!
  • Carol Braitman

    Hi Megan, We are super busy also. Marching band season is in full swing. Augie has been helping me, I am uniform mom this year. We will be around for Thanksgiving, gone for Christmas. Let us know if you come!
  • Cheri

    Oh I'm so glad to see someone else doing CPE! I just started doing CPE last year and went to my second CPE trial 2 weeks ago with my Dudley. I'm still a bit challenged by the games (I don't get Snooker just yet) but it's loads of fun! And such a perfect venue for beginning dogs. I wish it were around when we started trialing with Taffy.

  • Cheri

    sweet! Dudley will be doing AKC next month. I'm trying to get him ready for it but I'm not sure it's going to work. I'm trying to get him weaving but the only place I can train is outside and it's only 10 degrees! I'm too much of a wimp to train in that kind of weather. Dudley doesn't mind, but I do! I'm trying to position Dudley to title at Nationals. We're going to Cardigan Welsh Corgi Nationals in April so I want him to have 2 legs under his belt so he has 2 chances to title at Nationals. It's so fun to title there.
    The CPE trial we did a couple of weeks ago was an "all games" weekend. They had Fullhouse, Snooker, Jackpot, Jumpers, Colors and Wildcard. We entered one run of each game to try it out. Dudley had never done CPE before and neither had I really. We'd been to a trial before and entered but he was just a baby and I think we entered the level where you don't get points, just do it for fun. He followed me for 3 obstacles and then he took off. But this time he qualified in 5 of the 6 games, got 3 firsts, 2 seconds and 2 titles (we were level 1 since he's just a beginner). Woo hoo! Good boy!

    But prior to that we did his first real trial. That was a NADAC trial here in Kansas City. I entered him in 4 events. He qualified in all 4, got 3 firsts and 1 second! I hope he does well when we do our first AKC trial next month.

  • Cheri

    Aren't Pem Nationals going to be in your back yard this year? Are you going? It would be grand to title there...
  • Zach and Lisa

    Hey everybody! I just called a few places to see who we could do a meet up with and I was only able to find one pet resort that would let us. It is in Castleton, IN. We would basically rent out an area for a couple of hours and let them run. I will get more details on everything tomorrow. The manager has to call me back for pricing and times and such. I was thinking 1-3 on a sat or sun? It would probably be around a month from now. Please let me know if you are interested and what would be best for you. I will do my best to get the most popular day and time.
  • Zach and Lisa

    The Indiana Corgi Meetup will be June 14th. It's posted in the events. Hope you can make it!