Miss Myra


Kingsport, TN

United States

Profile Information:

Kingsport, TN
About Me:
I'm a full time nursing student with a big heart for my corgi :]
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Lola was my 22nd birthday present! She is a sweet, tan and white Pembroke.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker


  • David

    Welcome and hope you will be a mother (of a Corgi) soon!
  • John Wolff

    Unsolicited advice: if you're getting a puppy, spend a LOT of effort on training in the first year. It will SO pay off. One thing I wish I'd done:
    Keep a training log. Make a list of all commands you want to teach, and some system to keep you on-task. If you live with a partner(s), make sure everybody is on the same page, doing the same thing. The dog gets really confused if different people treat it differently. My wife and I made this mistake (eg., we had different walking styles and expectations). Be consistent.
  • John Wolff

    Our corgwyn tolerate water when they are thrown in, and it's not too cold. I bathe them by bringing them into the shower with me. They'll ford a mountain stream when there's no alternative. If you throw your corgi's tennis ball into a lake or the jaws of Hell, (s)he'll go get it.