



Profile Information:

About Me:
Building Designer. Corgi Lover. Love to Cook. Corgi Lover. Love to go out. Corgi Lover. Love music and movies. Corgi Lover.....!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Penny is the name of our new little corgi. She was born 4th of Novemeber 2008 and we picked her up from her wonderful breeder in Mt Eliza a day after my 27th birthday in January.

My best friend and boy for life was sadly sent to that big doggy playground in sky in April last year and it took a lot of prompting and prodding from my partner Luc to convince me to get a new pup. And since the moment we laid eyes on the little ball of fluff we knew we had made the right decision.

Penny(whistle) is absolutley amazing. It's such a wonder how dogs can make you feel just by seeing their little smiley face looking up at you and the licks of love! Puppy training is such a change and the amount of pent up energy she has is UN BE LIEVABLE! Compared to my old boy Blackie who was 17 when he passed and not the most active dog in the end...it's crazy trying to keep up with her when she gets her little "turbo" run on. Ears flattened back and low to the ground she charges around the backyard doing loop-dy loops!

Prior to Blackie we had another corgi Pip who I guess was the reason I fell for corgis and their sturdy little statuesqe bodies! Mum and Dad sure did pass their love of corgis down to me :D
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Chantel & Princess Bella

    OMW! So adorable! Too cute for words :-)
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Welcome Leah and Penny! she is absolutely adorable!
  • Gail L

    OMG!, absolutely adorable, just want to hug her. Welcome
  • Joanna, Rainy and Calvin

    Penny is Adearable! She looks like a little ball of huggly fuzz!! She's got a great smile too, and such expressive eyes. Thanks for sharing your photos!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Leah, Luc and Penny! Wow, she is soooooo cute! I love the "family photo" of the three of you. Looking forward to more pics of Penny as she grows up. She'll just get more and more beautiful.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Welcome Penny and family! Oh my gosh, look at the beautiful fluffy girl!! When corgis run around in circles or do figure eights over and over, the name that is given to that is frapping although our breeder has referred to it as the corgi romp!
    Corgis are so great!
  • Kylie Chen

    hi leah, penny is so cute!!
    did u pick up from a breeder name dianne baillie?
    anyway welcome to corgi wonderland!
  • Renae & Mark

    Great to be your friend Leah, Luc and Penny! I guess Penny is coming up 4 months old.
    It would be great to meet you. We often take Rupert to Vic Park where there is an off-leash area. A lovely group of dog owners meet at 5pm on weekdays and 4pm on weekends near the little lake close to the Eyre St gates. Rupert did much of his early socialisation here! We live near to Soverign Hill now so don't get there as much as we'd like.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Your Welcome! Frantic Random Acts of Play...stands for Frapping, I learned that when I came to this site. : ) Thanks for the compliment on Lance. : ) I would love to be able to visit Australia someday, how cool you get to live there!
  • Sam Tsang

    G'day Leah! Welcome!
  • Jen

    Awww!!! Penny is sooo cute! She looks like a corgi-bear! :)
  • Renae & Mark

    Hi Leah Luc and Penny

    Excellent to meet you on Thursday!

    I remembered my cousins have a dog called Penny. She has an old Penny on her collar! That inspired us to put a Rupee on Rupert's collar! It allows for a little jingle that helps one know where he is at times.

    Have a good long weekend
    Renae Mark and Rupert
  • Gail L

    Leah, thank you for your kind comments. Enjoy your Penny!
  • A & P

    Penny is very pretty! She has a great smile and looks very happy! The photos were very nice. On a side note, my husband I were married in Melbourne, Au in 2001 and loved the time we were there!
  • Susan Stanton

    Thanks for the nice comment, glad you enjoyed my goofy blog! Bertie Wooster is my first Corgi (he's now almost 5, and his niece, Ethel Barrymore, is Corgi #2, 15 months). I can't believe it took me this long to find them -- but now I too am among the totally Corgi besotted. Your Penny is such a cutie patootie! A fairly new friend of mine in town here recently asked me, "What did you used to talk about before you had your dogs?" Gee, I'm not sure I had anything interesting to talk about at all for my first 45 years of life! ^-^
  • Kylie Chen

    hi leah,so sorry for the late reply. my network something wrong but all went back to normal.oh no johhny is not related to penny. I wanted to get a corgi from her too! but i did found another breeder in sunbury so i get johnny from there. i saw dianne first but i waited so at the end i got johnny! btw penny look beautiful!
  • Mary, Craig and Charlie Brown

    Hi your Penny is just beautiful. She looks like a corgi I grew up with who was called Albert, he was a fluff and they are almost mirror images. We lost Albert in 1997 and since then I haven't had a dog til last December when we bought Charlie. Albert was from Roseville in Queensland from a breeder there. I was wondering where Penny came from and if they might be related.....