

Osseo, MN

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I live in a suburb west of Minneapolis. I have two corgis, half brothers. Bacchus is 3, and Wilson is just 1 1/2....joys!!!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
They are just learning to be brothers.Lots of wrestling going on around here. They love each other and every day they get along better. We found some siblings here on this site. It's very fun to see what they're up to. I love these little happy boys!!! They are a big handful....but definitely keep a smile on my face....and who doesn't need that these days?? ;)
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Your welcome....the site is very open to any topic or discussion about Corgis. You'll be amazed at the response you'll get back from posting something or just add your thoughts or 2 cents in on topics and you'll make friends in no time. Its a friendly site.
  • Alice

    Welcome! Your Cardis are adorable. :)
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

  • Joanna, Rainy and Calvin

    You have two very handsome cardi boys!! I love your avatar picture with the matching red toys. They sure look like a handful! Fun, but a handful! Welcome!!
  • Dooby

    It is so great that Wilson, Payton and Dooby can meet up here, sometime Dooby bit his own thighs and tail with whining, at first I though he must be extreme itch, then I asked Sonja why? She told me Dooby used to wrestling around with Wilson and Payton, Dooby probably trying to figure out how to play without having his brother and sister. Wrestling with his litter mate must be a happy time for Dooby, I think he must miss his brother and sister. Anyway, I will keep my eyes on Wilson's page, and let Dooby know any news form Wilson. ^^
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Lynda and pups! What are their names?
  • Chantel & Princess Bella

    Yeah that doggie is a hero!
    It is amazing how we can share our love for corgis together & yet be so far apart. I love this site! So you couldn't just have one corgi :-) haha!
    I know how you feel, I so badly want to get another corgi, but we already have 2 dogs with our Beagle. I have to convince my boyfriend :-)
  • Chantel & Princess Bella

    Yeah they get along great, they love each other & miss each other if they're not together. They also love to wrestle each other all day, and Bella always wins of course! haha. I think if you had gotten a female corgi she would be putting the other corgi in its place, the girls tend to do that :-) LOL
    Our beagle Liam is a boy, and Bella (female) dominates him even though she's almost half his size!
  • Dooby

    Wilson looks so happy having Bacchus to play with, Dooby is kind of lonely sometime, he would like to have a playmate too I think. But it is not the time now. ^^
    About the "Playlist", I saw you already got it, so I skip it. *^^*
  • Tina and Cooper

    What wonderful Corgi's...Their so sweet,,I love the try colors too..Thinking about one this summer after we get moved out to the country ,,Thanks for the add :o) `tina~ and Cooper
  • Tina and Cooper

    Always,,,,,Hes so sweet and Loves me so much,,,Thanks
  • Tina and Cooper

    Thanks Lynda,,Im thinking of a rescue corgi,,mabey?? wont be till late summer,,,We are downsizing big time the economy is hurting us bad,,only in money though,,were both excited to get moved out of our big house and into a small cabin just for us,,Our daughter just moved out and its just us now with our puppy dog's,,we have a black mini schnauzer too named Yogie that is my husbands dog,,lol,,Thanks though and i'll keep you in mind if i change my plans ~tina~ and Cooper
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Welcome! : )
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Your Welcome Linda! Thanks for the sweet compliment on Lance!! : ) Your corgis are adorable, how fun it must be to have two! Yes we did have quite a bit of snow, it has melted and am keeping my fingers crossed for no more snow but I dont know Im sure we are still in for more snow at some point. : (
    Although I did enjoy getting a video of Lance hopping in the snow this year! I posted it on my page. Natalie and Lance
  • Anne

    Great to see more cardigans here! What breeder your boys come from? They are beautiful! Bacchus tails is great.
  • Jane Christensen

    What cute corgis! One is never enough and how fun to have half-bros!I'm glad this site is fun. This (my is all new to me so I am very glad to find all these corgi people!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Im in chat now!!!
  • Jane Christensen

    Hi Lynda,
    I thought I was the only who had technical difficulties...but mine is from user error!I will check out the crime site! Thanks for the info!
  • Michael Guille

    Both breeds of Corgis are welcome. Thanks for sending that question. Just visit the Join page and send a email with your information and I'll post your Corgi and send you any additional information on events.
  • Dooby

    They are so happy on the snow, that must be very happy watching them playing together! ^^
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's


  • Dooby

    Hello! Great to hear form you guys. Dooby was neutered last Friday, poor little boy can't go out for a week. He is recovering very fast, just like nothing happen to him.
    Are you going to tape Wilson ear, I read some corgi ower do this and had good result, maybe you can try it. ^^
  • Jude, Lily and Louise

    Let me look at the paperwork and I will send you the website.
  • Jude, Lily and Louise

    I'm not ignoring you I still haven't found the info on the agility set.
  • Jude, Lily and Louise

    Found it! We bought the Agility In A Bag Set. We are having fun playing "the jumping game". Have fun!