Ivy & Bryson

Profile Information:

San Francisco Bay Area, CA
About Me:
My husband and I are first time dog owners, and ever since we laid eyes on one of our friend's corgi, we know we've gotta have our own!

We found Bryson from a breeder who just retired him from showing after he won his championship (his puppies didn't quite fit show standards so his career as a stud was over as well). They were going to sell him to Japan to continue his show life, but decided (to our luck) that he'll probably be better off being someone's pet. And the rest is history as they say. :)
About My Corgi(s):
Hi! I'm Bryson. I'm an only child and some say I'm spoiled rotten, which I absolutely am not. I enjoy eating, napping, taking rally classes, going on hikes with mommy and daddy, and hanging out with my buddy Picasso, also a Pembroke Welsh Corgi.

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  • Ju Lo

    Really great pictures of Bryson in the calendar! Did you get one yet? Does it look nice? I'm still debating if I want one, but with Mrs. Paper Company's endorsement, that may tip the scales. :)
  • Frances

    Bryson is a beautiful Corgi!
  • Sam Tsang

    Happy Chinese New Year!
  • Karen & Bailey

    Bryson is SO handsome. I love your blog too!. We are in the SF Bay Area, looks like theres a good meetup occuring in GG Park every month. When Bailey gets older.. we'll be going!
  • Karen & Bailey

    and you take lovely photographs!!!
  • Cubbie

    Thanks! I'm glad there's a corgi meet closer to our home. I'll check it out!
  • Cubbie

    Your pictures are GORGEOUS. Are you a photographer??
  • Cubbie

    When we first took Cubbie to the snow, we thought it might hurt his paws, but thankfully he loved it and had a blast running around as fast as he could! It was hilarious. By the way, how did Bryson do with the goats/sheep in your picture?
  • Cubbie

    Hehe! Dont worry, I don't think Cubb would do much better than lil Bryson did! Cubbie has seen some cows before and mostly stays away from them. It'd be interesting to see how he'd do with sheep, though!
  • Karen & Bailey

    =D sounds like a great idea, me and my other friend were talking about it, she has an 8 yr old corgi too! =) i heard its quite the event. We just might do it!
  • Tracie & Emmy

    I promise I won't tell Bryson! LOL It is so hard to look around on this site and not want to adopt more corgis isn't it? I sort of like my "only child" life though, so I will just enjoy sharing everyone else's dogs with them for now. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and thank you for the compliments! :-)

    Hi Bryson and family! Benzo would like to meet new friends! and we live in Hayward, CA. I hope you can meet us next Saturday. We will be meeting both Peanut and Cubbie. If you guys will be busy, we hope to meet you soon next time! Take care!

    Hello Bryson and Family!
    Thanks for your response back. We are really excited to meet you guys. Dale and I are first corgi owners. I am very lucky to have Benzo in our lives. Hopefully, we will be able to meet you guys along with Bryson and his friend. These are the details of the play date and sarah& peanut sent this to me. I also sent this info to cubbie's family. I believe cubbie's family will try to go too.

    I got this e-mail from the corgi northern California group and this is the information for next Saturday's meet up:
    When: Saturday 3/15/08*
    Time: afternoon, 2pm
    Where: Drigon Dog Park, Union City, CA
    * weather permitting (there's a chance of rain that day)
    This is the website:

    hello again! hope you will be able to make it! take care!
  • Cubbie

    Hi Ivy & Bryson, Thank you for the info about the SF Corgi's. I'm sorry I missed the last get together - how fun would that be! I'll check their website for more information. thanks again!

    Hi Bryson! Hope to see you next time. Sarah arranged another play date on March 29th instead of last Saturday. The weather was not good. Were you able to meet your other corgi friend last week end? Hope to see you! Take care and have a great week!
  • Laura & Lola

    SUCH a little cutie you have there!! And so photogenic!
  • Laura & Lola

    No, we haven't gone to any gatherings yet... I'm hoping to soon! We're swamped this spring/summer with a bunch of weddings, but hopefully we can fit some fun in for Lola!!
  • Pogo Con Queso, Sandwynn's Ilustrious Baron von Stubbylegs Leafcatcher

    We wanted something different and since his parents had crazy long show names, we knew he needed one too. The breeder insisted that we put the name of her kennel in his name and a variant of "storm," "catcher," or combination of the like.

    Nevermind the fact that he is minor royalty, after all.
  • Beth

    She really is soft! . :o) I just love it. Bryson is a doll! He looks like quite the character. :o)
  • Melissa

    Great pics from the road trip! I like the one with all the dogs standing around waiting for food.

    How do you get Bryson's nails cut so short though? I take Skittles to a groomer, and when she's done, it doesn't really look like they've cut her nails at all!
  • sandra

    yes, the TABLE....akc, usdaa style...nooo way.
    hehe, i will win over here, and we or i shall make one, 12 inches, and 3' by 3', wood top!

    i want to enter the usdaa event in aug so we shall tackle the table--took me 9 mo to have her love the teeter and now she goes on for fun.....hehe, kaley corgi will not win over me..

    still fraps, but i get her back and i am 'hyper' enough she thinks it is fun, so she runs and i yell, what obstacle next and the "HUP" for ea jump.

    it is fun, but it is not easy...kaley corgi tries me all the time....i have pics taken and videos and i see sooo many times how she got off course and distracted!

    she saw the camera person and stopped and turned and posed and i had to yell for her to move and get to the next obstacle.....she is pure crazy, ehhee, but i love it and now at least i can take the leash off and walk a few ft and release........ooo the frustration of her jumping the gun before i was ready, ugh!

    wait, wait mum, let me corgi smile n pose for a sec!
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    love, love, love the wine pictures! Bryson is a very handsome and lucky boy!
  • Karen & Bailey

    Hi Ivy & Bryson! Thanks for the photo comment. My mom made him that shirt using a current shirt he had, and the fabric from a free tshirt i got during last years fanfest. =) the hat is from my build-a-bear kitty. Bailey is borrowing the hat from my kitty's giants outfit.

    We're going this year! Bailey's first time. I actually have a friend who has an 8 year old female pem corgi, and her brothers friend has a 1 year old female pem. were going to all go together. Hopefully well run into yall!

    Yes! We have gone every month to the meetup since Bailey got his last series of shots! That makes it about 2-3 times so far and he loves it. well be going next week again! =) hope to see you and bryson there. its his last meetup before he gets neutered the following week - so its his last runaround with the corgis.. intact that is.
  • Karen & Bailey

    Oh! and i was meaning to ask - how do they handle the potty situation at the ballpark - is there a small field out there with mulch or grass for doggies to do their business?
  • Leah Brown and Buddy

    So cute! When I think of a Corgi, I see someone like my Buddy or him. He looks so happy! How old is he?
  • Leah Brown and Buddy

    They could be related! You never know!
  • Karen & Bailey

    thanks! yes he can! but u never know! if its super hot and he can't resist the urge.. lol then yepp.

    are you guys going this year?
  • Kelly

    Hi there! Just wanted to let you know I've been reading your blog for awhile now (found you through Corgi Tails) and really enjoy following along w/Bryson :) He's such a handsome guy!
  • Keahi and Kai

    hahAaa... great minds think alike :) i was looking through your blog and we actually honeymooned in kauai last year! beautiful island. it looks like you guys had a blast. and i love the corgi cards. "real corgi speak welsh".... ingenious!!
  • Kelly

    Thanks! I love your cards, I wish I had time to be crafty :) I don't have a blog..just on here..kind of. I should start one up some time. Yours is great though. I have bay-area envy and until recently corgi-envy..so I've really enjoyed reading it :)

    Yeah most definitely! We would come out this weekend but I'm not sure I want to take Lexi out given the fact that she should be due sometime this week. Wouldn't that be something. Having babies while at the Corgi meet up in SF.
  • Trenton and Denise

    Thanks for comment. I really want to meat up with corgis so we will try to get to one of the meetups soon. I found out about pt isabel at the bay area pet fair. Suprissing since I have worked as a paramedic in the richmond area a since 2000. Hope to see you soon

    Our Little Puppy is Turning one,
    please come over and join the fun!
    A birthday and Halloween Costume Paw-ty!
    For: Benzo Baquiran
    Date: October 18, 2008 (Saturday)
    Time: 2:00 pm
    Place: Drigon Dog Park, Park located at Mission Blvd and 7th Street, Union City CA
    Dog Cake will be served for the 4 legged friends from the Three Dog Bakery, Pleasanton, CA. That is why we need to know how many corgi friends are coming.

    Mommy Michelle (510) 2324278/mdyliacco@sbcglobal.ne
  • S

    Hi Ivy!

    Thanks for the add! I enjoy your blog and Julo's blog. I didn't realize Bryson was a retired show dog until I read his description. He's very handsome and very show-like - haha. :-)

    I love your cards and paper designs (so pretty!!).

    I don't have a blog....hehe....I'm too lazy to maintain one. I did try before, tho'.... :-D I failed miserably.... :-P

  • Linda and Kaijuu Le

    hi!! i just read on the bay area corgi group .. that you went to the corgi faire last year! i did too, but that was my first time and i wasn't prepared ... but this time, i will try to be! i'm planning to make kaijuu a costume ... haha

    how about you? :]
  • Pam & Momo

    Um, Bryson's spa day picture is HILARIOUS!
  • Mindy

    The spa pic made me laugh. The forgotten photo is priceless!!
  • Ana & Taco

    Nope, no blog for me. Don't have enough patience to update one. I do love reading yours though!
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    all of you pics are beautiful.. i love the one by the golden gate bridge and the two pups on the rock of HOPE. what gorgeous dogs!! i really enjoyed them.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Your Welcome for the add and Thank You for the compliment on Lance! Those Mickey Mouse ears are actually his human sisters from when we were in Disney this October, I thought it would be fun to take his picture in them. He didnt pretty good posing for all his hat pictures! He is not a big fan of pictures, if I start taking too many he purposely looks away, lol.....what a character he is, makes me laugh. I meant to get Lance a pair of his own Mickey Mouse ears with his name on them but forgot, so I guess he will just have to share his sisters!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Congratulations on the calendar!!
  • Nancy Liu

    Nice to have your photo on my wall Bryson - thanks for providing such a great picture of you and your buddy for me to see above my desk all month!
  • Karen & Bailey

    hey guys! Congrats on the upcoming new addition to your family. Anyways, I was browsing walmart's website... and came across this:


    Free huggies sample!!!
  • Karen & Bailey

    yes, we did make it to the meetup this past weekend! Not sure yet about the new east bay meetup quite yet. Theres a Dog event in Pacifica that same weekend! Hope to see u guys soon. Bryson is such a character. hahahaha ;)
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Congratualtions on the Bryson Visa Card!

  • Carolyn Pippin and Gambler

    It's great to find you here too! I was looking on your page just last night.
    I so glad you found ADogs website. The people there are wonderful! They have taught me so much about AD. I post any questions and within a hour or sooner I have the answer. I do what they have suggested and it has worked 100%. My vet doesn't seem to know that much about AD and tends to go by the book.
    By the time Scooter was diagnosed she was almost dead. Her internal organs were shutting down. She was in ICU for 3 days on IV. I can't tell you how many test were ran before we finally had the ATCH test ran and hit on the right answer. By this time she had blood clots in her kidneys and they were shutting down. The vet thought she had a turmor on one kidney also. She had stopped eating, ANYTHING. She wouldn't even eat chicken. She wouldn't walk. She stayed in hiding. She was afraid of everything. She would come out and drink and go back under the bed. I bet all this sounds so familar to you! I think the tremors were the worst... After she got in the right meds she started to come back to the old Scooter fairly soon. She wanted to walk again. I just didn't know how far to allow her to go. Once her legs gave out and just couldn't carry her any father. I had to carry her back home. That took us a couple of hours. I carry her a short ways and then we both rested. After that I was really afraid to go to far away from home. But her tremors have all gone and she is "go to go" now. Although it has take her a couple of months.
    I still fine myself watching her like a hawk. The last 2 weeks we have had more than our share of Thunder storms. She has ALWAYS hated the thunder. She get scared and shakes and goes into hiding. I'm so worried she is going to be sent into crisis again. But as soon as the thunder is gone she pops back just fine. So far so good!
    It's about time to try to lower her Pred dose again. Right now she is getting 1 mg every morning. I find this a very scary time. I'm so afraid to upset "the apple cart" shall we say. She is doing so good right now but the girls say I need to get to the lowest dose she can stay comforable with. They say for her size she should be at .5. I really hate playing around with the meds. I find that the hardest part of this whole thing.
    Scooter has grown a terrible hair coat. It has become long, thick, and rough. I look back at some of her old pictures and she had such a nice coat. Now she looks like a old "Fluffy" corgi. I hope someday her good coat will come back. Have you seen a change in Bryson coat? With time and the help from all the girls at ADogs, Bryson will be as good as new!
    Lets keep in touch!
  • Carolyn Pippin and Gambler

    PS~~ Congrads on the new "2-legged" baby! Soon Bryson will have a new litter mate!! He will love that! Scooter loves all 3 of my Grand-kids and any other child we meet. She has more friends in the neighborhood that I do!!
  • Carolyn Pippin and Gambler

    No her coat started changing 4 or 5 months ago. I remember thinking at the time, wow she is looking old and going down hill so fast. I feel Scooter has been going down this AD road for about 6 to 8 months before she ended in crisis.
    Late Feb. she was chewing on a big bone and cracked the side of one of her big molars. When she did this it exposed the nerve. This is when the AD road got bumpy! Not knowing she was going down that road, just knowing she stopped eating, went into hiding and just was "off". Just not herself. I really feel the stress of the broken tooth and following surgery to remove the tooth was the final straw that ended her up in crisis. I remember a week before she went into crisis talking to our vet and telling him something is wrong I just don't know what, but something.. Hind sight, if only I had known..
    The first 13 pictures on our page are new. They were taken between May 12 - May 28 in Morro Bay. CA. Boy, I was just looking at all her pictures and you sure see the difference in her total body looks. After her crisis she looks so old looking. I posted the hair coat question today on Adog and they said she has been through a lot in a short time and to just give her some time to recoup. I wonder just how long it will take? She has to go in Wednesday for her monthly lytes test. Another $60 :-(. What do you have to pay for lytes test over there? As always I sure hope the test is a good one!
    I haven't heard from Muffin lately. Have you? What did your breeder say when you told them about the AD? I called our breeder and left her a message and she never called me back. So that's that.
    I'm sure glad to have someone to talk to that knows what we are going through. If you ever want to call my phone number is 775-790-1686.
  • Carolyn Pippin and Gambler

    Hello Ivy~~ Scooter and I are check in to see how you BOTH are doing!
    How is the waiting for the 2-legged little girl going? I'm sure it feels like an 100 years has passed already!
    How is Bryson feeling these days? I haven't seen any posting but I may have missed you. I monitor one site and you post on the other. It seems that both site are in touch with the same group of advisors.
    Drop me a line if you have time and let us know how you are....