mae schneider


Tillamook, OR

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I love my corgi maddy!! im 21 yrs old, I received a medical discharge in November for a injury so I just hang out with the veterans at the Va hospital :) we wouldnt be the America we are today with out our veterans and our troops!.. Support the Troops even if not the war.. myspace graphic comments
Myspace Christian Comments & Graphics
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
her name is Maddy... she loves playing with her ball and cuddling! she loves kids and playing at the park

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Comment Wall:

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker


  • Kendal & Bleu (Chris & Randy)

    Welcome Maddy, and good luck in boot camp, stay safe.
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Mae and Maddy (your names sound so great together). Do you have someone to look after her while you are at boot camp? I love Tillamook, been to the cheese facility and all. Beautiful country.
  • Tammey & Caven

    Hello and welcome!
  • David

    Welcome from Yoda and David! How old is Maddy?
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Yes...they are all mine. They are the best.
  • Brandy Coleson

  • The Kalber Family

    Thanks for the comment on the photo! It's amazing how much these cuties all look the same!! Except mine has these black markings around her snout!! The car seat cracks me up!!!
  • Linda Brock

    Goodness, what will Maddy be doing when you leave for boot camp? I bet you'll miss her terribly!
  • Linda Brock

    Oh, I am sure that it will be hard without her, but I'm so glad that she will have a good place to stay. I know when I had to leave for college for a few years, It was terribly hard for me. My dogs, at the time, stayed with my Mom and sisters, but I'd had a dog from the time I was born and missed them terribly... Good luck in your life endeavors, though, and thank you for your service to our country.
  • Linda Brock

    The sign OC is looking at says, "We support our troops!"