Kendal & Bleu (Chris & Randy)


Cedar Park, TX

United States

Profile Information:

Danbury, CT For Chris..... Austin, TEXAS for Randy
About Me:
My husband & I got our first Corgi back in Sept '06, Kendal is a very loving tri-corgi that we got at six months old from a rescue in Kyle. We have a new addition "Bleu Diamond". Born 5/22/09 and adopted 8/11/09 thanks to Bleu is fitting in well with Kendal and Casey and enjoying all the new sights and sounds of his new home.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Kendal is a 3 year old tri Corgi, his best friend is Casey an 8 year old Daushund. Kendal is the best cat herder in town, but he doesn't want you to know he also likes to sleep with the kitties and clean them. Kendal also herds Casey all day telling him where to go and what to look at. Kendal is timid with strangers and new things, his favorite thing in the world is catching his red ball, his record is 12 in a row, I swear he can hear where the ball is going to land, we should have named him Radar! If there was a Corgi baseball team, he would be the Derek Jetter! We love Kendal so much, he has brightened up our lives and is always so happy about everything. Also, Kendal has a tongue similar to Gene Simmons from KISS! Bleu has a beautiful Blue Coat and steel blue eyes and is a very grown up 10 week old Corgi He loves the ball like Kendal and had his first trip to Petsmart last night for the essentials including a swimming pool since he was sitting in the water cooler outside!

Now we have 2 Corgi's to march in the Austin Celtic Festival Parade behind the Bagpiper! Kendal likes this......
I have:

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  • Alice

    Well they are both attractive Corgis! That does seem like fate the way Bleu came about. I’m surprised no one was lined up to take him.

    Yes, there was a lot of heartbreak with Finn's litter but we're so glad we have him. He’s very smart and a little defiant, very playful and goofy and even people who claim they don’t like dogs can’t help but love him. He has some problems that we're not sure if whatever affected the litter could also be to blame for his issues, but we love him nonetheless and I think he's a very lucky boy to have made it.

    Growing up, my family always had four dogs at a time. Finn is mine and my husband’s first dog on our own. We would like to get at least one more down the road when we have a yard, but for an apartment one dog is enough.
  • Kimberly

    How is Bleu doing? Sweetie is up to 17 pounds already but she still seems so much smaller than the rest of my pack. I am sure Bleu is a big boy now.
  • Kendal & Bleu (Chris & Randy)

    Bleu is 25 lbs but seems small compared in Kendal at 35 lbs. Bleu is sleek looking with a fine silky coast (short coat). He still has grey/steele bluish eyes and grey coat. He is a sweatheart, very loving and cuddly. He is getting a little bossy with our older daushand and I've been a little concerned of an all out brawl soon, but other than that he is doing great, and we love him so much! Happy New Year