
41, Female

Amarillo, TX

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I am a 25 yr old mother of a 5yr old little girl. The corgi(Lily) was bought for as a Christmas present 3 years ago.
About My Corgi(s):
Lily is a 3 year old Pembroke Welsh Corgi. We bought her when she was 6 months old. The people we bought her from bred them to herd. During her "herding training" the trainer pushed her to far and broke her. When we got her, Lily was very scared and skittish with my husband and me, but NEVER hesitated with my daughter. They formed a bond that is unbreakable. When my daughter isnt here Lily mopes and paces back and forth from the front door to my daughters bedroom door and sighs. When it is time to go get my daughter from school, Lily is right there waiting on me to take her with me. She is very smart. All I have to say is Lily bedtime and she goes to my daughter's room and hops into bed with her. I am very grateful for her and honestly believe that she is an irreplacable member of our family.

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Melissa, Lily and family!
  • Laura Jones

    Mine knows when it is time to go get her kids from school also.
  • Sarah C.

    Hey, come join our Texas Corgi group!
  • Lady Bug (Michelle)

    Welcome, so glad you could join us! I love the pics of Lily sleeping next to your little girl - sooooo sweet!

  • Pa'ani

    Hi sorry it took me so long to respond but I cant find my recipe for the dog birthday cake...sad...but i found a website that has a few on it.

    hope this helps!
  • Lillie's Mommie

    Hey your lily is adorable!!! Does she have a larger than life personality too?! LoL! I absolutely agree with you in saying that our Lillie's (Lilys) are irreplaceable. She has brought so much joy to our house is unbelieveable.
  • Lillie's Mommie

    OMG!!! I really hope that she's Ok!!! that's a terrible thing that little girl did!!! I definately would've more than just WORDS with those people!!!!! poor little thing!!!!!