kathrine garner


Marathon, FL

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I'm married to a wonderful man, have one cat who is 19 yrs old and of course our Pembroke Corgi.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
King is 11 yrs old. Still going strong except for a few problems related to age.

I think he is the smartest Corgi and of course the cutest.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Jenn

  • Marion and Vern

    Welcome, can't wait to see pictures of all your "babies".
  • Zach and Lisa

    Welcome! Hope to see pictures soon!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcoem Katherine and King! Tell King he's doing a great job helping you ;)
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello and Welcome!

  • Mary Bledsoe

    What a doll!!!!!! How old?
  • Nancy Geddes

    Katherine: I'm not having any food troubles with Bear yet. All three of my corgis are on Eagle Pack Holistic Chicken and Rice Select. It was recommended by Linus' breeder, Anne Bowes of Heronsway Corgis. Actually, Bear has really benefitted from the change (two and one half years). You would get a laugh - I pulled my hamstring in agility earlier last week and my friend Michael was stretching the leg when I got back home. Bear put himself between the two of us - "Gotta protect my Nan!" See if you can find the Eagle Pack site and see what they have to offer....... All the best, Nan
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Mary Bledsoe

    Ok, I'm leaving a comment, let's see who gets this one! Puppas as so cute in his pixs. He needs to come up this weekin for the pool party-Baby Brutie sent out invites to all the bunny butts so bring his speedo, it's going to be a wild ride...
  • Mary Bledsoe

    Er, could you please get the orange non-person off your page and put my darling puppas in there? He's so much more fun to see! Love Baby Brutie-high stub to puppas.
  • Nancy Geddes

    Katherine: There is a place on www.eaglepack.com to input your zip code that will show you what stores carry the Eagle Pack line. It will not be the large box stores. Do take a few moments to look at their site - it is very good and my corgis are flourishing on it. When I purchased Linus (Heronsway Land of the Hokies) from Anne Bowes, she was insistent upon using this food. Since Anne has been breeding corgis for 40 years (2007 AKC Herding Group Breeder of the Year), there is some wisdom in her choice. Keep in touch! Nan
  • Mary Bledsoe

    Hi Puppas, are you coming up this weekin? The bunny butts are getting all decked out just for you. They loved your new pixs and can't wait to see your new speedo.
  • Nancy Geddes

    Dear Katherine and King: Bear is the larger of the tri coloreds. Tasha is the slimmer one and, of course, Linus, is the incredible fluffy. We read your note and hope that you have a safe hurricane season. I know that we have to have all our stuff gathered in the event that the weather reaches Virginia. My brother lives in Plantation, FL and he has his house literally boarded up for weeks at a time. Take good care and be sure to pack up the chewies!!!
    Corgi high fives from: Bear, Tasha and Linus with a hug from Nan
  • Mary Bledsoe

    WHAT TWO SYSTEMS? I haven't heard about that and our weather people would latch on to that like life support, the worse the better....Tell puppas to pack and I'll come get him, he can't stay thru a hurricane.