Melanie Patterson


Centralia, WA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Retired Navy, Media Specialist/Admin Asst. at Centralia Outlets
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Countryside Lizzie is a sweet dog, loves to eat, and is a little bit lazy.
Bucks is a pretty little girl who thinks she's in charge of the household (she's right).
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Melanie and Lizzie!
  • Nicole, Stanley and STELLA!

    She's so cute!! How old is she?
  • Gail and Ashton

    Hi Melanie and Lizzie! Thought I would stop by to say hi to a fellow Washingtonian! Ashton and I are way over on the east side of the state in the Columbia Basin. My hubby is a Evergreen State grad so we know your neck of the woods too. Go Geoducks! lol Take care!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Max the doggie

    Welcome!!! We live in Yelm, Wa I've been trying to find some corgis in our area.
  • Adriana, Henry, & Catherine

    Welcome. Such cute babies.=)
  • Jamie Jo

    Welcome! I love Centralia! My husband and I are from Elma originally, but we just finished up school at WSU and are now living up on Bainbridge Island. This time last year, we got married at the Aerie Ballroom! Lizzie and Bucks are super cute :)
  • Jamie Jo

    Thanks! Penny Pooch loves to chew on everything she isn't supposed to :( Next time we are down that way, we will most definitely stop by!
  • Max the doggie

    Yes we definetly love ours, my son just started claiming him as his own. We did get him as a family pet but I want him to bond with my son more.