Karen and Hardy


Mannsville, NY

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Proud mom to Hardy the rescued Pembroke Welsh Corgi. He is the funniest and sweetest dog that I have ever met. I think that they truly know and appreciate that they have been rescued.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Hardy is a Mayflower Corgi Club rescue. He is estimated to be 4-5 years old. He is believed to be a puppy mill daddy.

He has been with us since February 2009, and we just adore him. He has really come into his own since his adoption.

He loves to run and jump. Taking a ride in the car is one of his favorite things.

Things he dislikes…well…he hates to take a bath. He also hates to go outside when the grass is wet, he acts like it’s the end of the world when his paws get wet. Hopping on 3 legs, refusing to move….he’s quite a character! (Although snow didn’t seem to bother him at all!)

He’s a quick learner, but a little stubborn. Keeping him off the couch is almost an impossible feat because he can not and will not take no for an answer where the couch is concerned. The sneaky little monster has now taken to pulling the blanket off the back of the couch so that it falls on him and he can hide under it and be on the couch where he thinks no one will see him. It’s hard to be consistent when you see a little black nose poking out from a very artfully arranged blanket!

He’s gotten to the point where he will play alone. He will only play with certain stuffed kitties, and his version of play is squeaking it, pushing it with his nose, squeaking and pushing. I have gotten him to catch it if I toss it to him. I bought him a frog that ribbits a few weeks ago. He didn’t care for it at all, and suddenly I can’t find it anymore. I think he hid it somewhere. It really wouldn’t surprise me if he did.

He talks all the time. If you ask him certain questions he will do a funny little howl in response. The pitch of the howl appears to change depending on the question asked.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Karen and Hardy! Congratulations on your rescue.
  • LuvMyCorgis

    Hi Hardy and Karen! Glad you're with us. We have rescue Corgis, too!
  • Mary Bledsoe

    Hardy looks just like my Corgi. Do you have more pictures? He's lucky to have you as his Mom!
  • Courtney Montoya

    Thanks so much! Hardy is very cute also!
  • Amy and Marlee

    They do have similar markings....how old is Hardy?
  • Nicole, Stanley and STELLA!

    Hardy is very handsome! My puppy, Stella, doesn't like to step on wet grass either. I have to force her to step off of the driveway when I take her out when it's raining - and she only goes about an inch into the grass and then runs right out! She also gets annoyed by rain drops hitting her ears!
  • Jenna Griffith

    Hi Karen and Hardy, thanks for the welcome! We have a hard time keeping Lew off of the couch too! He loves anything soft, probably because he only knew hard surfaces for his first few years. Lew also talks all the time! We call him Scooby Doo for all of his noises, especially the one he makes when we aren't giving him his food fast enough.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • WhiteDove

    Hello Karen & Hardy,

    I agree with you. . .my home will never be Corgiless. . .I am totally hooked. . .lol

  • Mary Bledsoe

    Karen I love your Hardy, he DOES look just like my Brutis, if we lived closer I bet they would be great friends! Best of luck with him, you are soooo lucky to be owned by him.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Hehe..you've got the flava for Corgis!!!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Open registration is when you can do anything..no restrictions from breeding or showing. Limited is limiting what you can do...no breeding or conformation showing.
  • Mary Bledsoe

    Hi Karen, I gave up long time ago trying to get my way...Brutie only has to look at me once and it's on, his way or the highway and I don't think I would want it anyother way! They have such quick minds and the little devils love to use them!