Ollie and Dinah

Henrico, VA

United States

Profile Information:

Glen Allen, VA
About Me:
We have a Tri-Colored Corgi named Ollie (short for Oliver Queen or Green Arrow to you DC comic book fans) and a Sable Corgi named Dinah (Black Canary, again for the comic book educated). Ollie is not happy with his new little sister, but we hope with time he will warm up and teach her all the things she needs to know about being a Corgi.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Ollie was born in early November, 2008. He's a pleasure to be around, and is the absolute cutest thing in the world. He's got a few freckles on his muzzle, and loves to sleep with his face stuck into couch cushions. He is extremely routine-oriented and gets a little fussy when things don't go his way. He talks to us with "honk" sounds and his nickname is Woogie or Woogums - he's the coolest...except when he's evil.

Dinah was born in April of 2011. Her personality is VERY different from Ollie's. She is more snuggly and MUCH more difficult to house train. We often call her "Potato" because that's what she looks like when she curls up in a little Corgi ball. She loves to bite Ollie and chase him around the house....typical annoying little sister behaviors. She is a great addition to our family.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Laura Jones

    Congratulations! and Welcome! We are getting our second corgi for Christmas. That is the best Christmas present idea.
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Congratulations!!! Welcome to the site!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome to MyCorgi.com!
  • Brodey's Mom

    Welcome. My mom lives in Glen Allen and she desperately wants a Corgi. She keeps threatening to keep her grand-dog when we come to visit. Where are you getting your puppy? Mom has been looking for a breeder in VA, but she really wants a sable like my Brodey. Does your breeder have any sables?
  • Butter

    Welcome! You'll enjoy it here and have lots of support (which you probably know already). Joy and Butter
  • LaVerne & Shirley

    Thank you so much for your sweet comment on Laverne's bumble ball video. That really made me feel good.
    When I was waiting for the day I could bring her home I would go on here and on Youtube and watch Corgi videos for hours. I know how you must be feeling. How exciting. I cant wait to see her! What color is she? Any names in the works?
    If you want to see something really cute go on youtube and look up Corgi Stampede. Guaranteed to make you smile. I must have watched that video 50 times....lol. Too cute!
    Welcome to Corgi land. This is the greatest site. Everything you wanted to know but didnt know who to ask....its all right here! Enjoy!
  • Brodey's Mom

    Sable is the color of Brodey. Mostly red with black hairs mixed in around his face, ears and down his back. Pembrokes come in sable, red, and tri-color. Usually the tris are designated by the dominant color on their heads - black headed tri or red headed tri. Red is always present. Red is a Corgi color which is often confused by non-corgi folks for brown or blond. The Corgi color wheel is red, black and white (sable when red and black mix together). Cardigans come in other colors. I'm not really versed on Cardis though.

    So what color is your little girl?
  • Brodey's Mom

    This is strictly for information purposes, but black and white with no red is considered a mismark according to AKC standards. See
    From your lengthy discussion about this puppy being a gift for your wife, I'm sure you aren't too worried about showing and that type of stuff. It might be a bargaining tool when discussing price, however. Also be aware that there are those that will be snobby about your pup just as they are about Bluies and Fluffies. My Brodey was considered "pet quality" and was not allowed to breed. That is fine with me. A quality pet was all I was looking for. I still don't know what the breeder saw wrong with him. Personally, I think he is perfect!!! I've never met a Corgi who isn't!!!
  • Brodey's Mom

    Oh my goodness, what a cutie!!! I can't wait to hear puppy stories. They do the cutest things.

    Thank you .... i think but dont know who you mean!!! ha ha

    Ha ha see what you mean from the photo uve posted, there is a likeness perhaps i cud rent him out as his body double lol. Thanks for that !!!!

    Just shown the photo to my hubby and his reply was.... I wish!!!!
  • Corgibyassociation

    Your pup is sooo cute!
  • Corgibyassociation

    Yeah they are close in age. Freya was born on the 1st. She sits on command but the older she gets the more and more she isn't coming unless she thinks a treat is involved.
  • Boots and Superstar!

    Hello Drew, how is your Ollie doing so far? and how your wife is lovin' him?
  • thejokester

    I just can't get over how much Ollie looks like my Rocko! Some of your pictures of him look identical of when Rocko was a pup. I miss those days... hope you're having fun with your pup =)
  • Sarah C.

    her eye actually started coming back center around 1 yr 3 months. i dont think itll ever be true, but its very close now. mainly she has trouble catching a ball out of the air, things like that.
  • Shockoe "Bottom" Bell

    Hey Drew! Thanks for the kind words! =) Do i get bonus points for the Wii in that pic too? haha j/k.. Ollie is the cutest lil tri guy
  • John, Jessica, and Zeus

    hey! zeus is 7 months old now and he is super friendly too. glad to see another corgi from richmond - there aren't very many!
  • John, Jessica, and Zeus

    haha we are in the west end too...don't know what your schedule is like on weekdays but zeus has a bunch of friends that he plays with around 7pm most weeknights in a small dog park nearby. you're welcome to bring ollie by and we can see if they will play!
  • Stephanie

    Saw your post on the forum, I can't believe how much your Ollie looks like my Bear!!! The resemblance is incredible!