penny spencer

United States

Profile Information:

davisburg, MI
About Me:
I'm really a beginner with computers so patience please, I'm still learning.
I'm a retired floral designer and love to garden. I have 3 children,
18, 21, and 23! This site looks very cute and interesting.
About My Corgi(s):
I have a rescued Akita, Penny who is approx 6 years old. Roscoe is our
little corgi boy, a tri. He's just over a year old. Roscoe is hydrocephalic
which means he has excess cerebral spinal fluid. The breeder failed to
tell us this. He's adorable but has lost his sight which doesn't seem to be a problem for him except for bumps and thumps. Unfortunately, the one symptom these little guys have is that they can't be housetrained! Yep, I wipe up approximately 25 puddles a day. The steroid he takes to decrease the fluid in his brain causes excess urination. It can get me down but he's so cute and we're lucky he's lived this long. The neurological vet couldn't believe he's made it so far. Every day is a blessing with little Roscoe. Sorry to be so wordy. It's just good to share with other corgi lovers. Thanks.

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  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    I'm sorry for your loss of Clarissa. I don't let my kitties out because I'm afraid someone might take one! They enjoy the porch and look out the screen windows and catch bugs out there so it;s about the same just safer. We have too many dogs as neighbors too so that is another reason. We had an old dog molly who was allergic to is wierd but many dogs get that allergy for some reason.
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    Hey Penney: how is your new addition doing? do you have any pictures yet? i posted more pictures from an outing we had yesterday. Yogi was very insistant about being in the crate this morning.. but i won.. he is quiet right now. I guess he was spoiled yesterday being out and about with me most of the day. talk to you soon. Gail.
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Yes thanks so much. It's really odd but since his passing it has done nothing but rain here..Its sooo gloomy so that rainbow really helped brighten the day! I know he is happy up there and I know one day we will be together again and I do feel better. I know it will be a long time for the tears to stop, hey they may never, but at least I know how lucky both of us were to have each other. Your puppy is just too darn cute!
  • Kathy and Jillie

    Hi Penny, your Roscoe is so cute, Happy Belated Birthday to him!!!!! We had an American Eskimo dog that was blind and it was amazing how they adapt! He passed away in March, was so sad. I think when you have a special pet that requires alittle more care they definitely hold a special place in your heart! We were so devastated when he passed that we had to get another dog. Thats when we were introduced to our first Corgi....Jillie and we are soooooooo in love with her! We miss our KeKe but she eases the loss!
    PS We have two children, 18 and 23....just not a third...21 haha!
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Oh yeah everytime I go to my parents house I look at the floor when I walk in expecting to be greated. So it is difficult in a way that we form such a habit...I am doing ok though this has just made me realize how special and fragile life is...I'm so sorry about Roscoe but don't belive everything you are told I belive in miracles and prayers! Riley lasted longer than the vet said, but he prob could have lasted longer we just couldn't watch him suffer..He loved food and when he decided not to eat we knew it was time.
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    I apologize it just made me so sad to hear that about Roscoe and how young he is I am trying to type through tears and I am not spelling too well.
  • Kristen

    Hi Penny, just checking in to see how Roscoe and Basel are getting along. Has Penny reached a point of toleration yet? Saw a cute video on the site with a Corgi in a Faerie garden and it made me think of you. Hardly seems like it is time, but I will be cleaning out my garden this weekend. Expecting a freeze tonight. Work is overwhelming right now and I really want a break, both mentally and physically. I might try to take a couple of days off next week and just do something fun.
  • Jim McCracken

    Our name comes from her Parents, mom Izzy and dad Caleb. we took poetic liscense with the K.
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Thanks that is my favorite photo too! Give Roscoe hugs from me and thank you for taking care of him. You are a special person! Speaking of messes I just got to clean my rug that Kira got sick on. The whole house is tiled but she chose the rug to get sick they are funny what can you do but laugh
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Thank you that poem was very sweet! Give Roscoe hugs from us!
  • sandra

    thanks for viewing kaley corgis video ---happy birthday style...she has patience, and so do i!----kaley corgi tries my patience lots!

    soooooooo happy your lil pup is still giving you great year at a time

    smiles : )
  • Kristen

    Penny, things have been a bit crazy. Fern had her surgery this morning and I just heard from the hospital a few minutes ago. Everything went well, but I really didn't get much information. The Dr. is supposed to call later when he gets out of surgery. Life seems to be a real challenge recently, but we do what we can. How are things going with you. Did things work out with Basel?
  • Kristen

    It is amazing how they all compete for food and attention. That is a constant battle in our house. I even believe they taunt each other. Comical and annoying. Fern's surgery went very well and the vet was pleased with how it all turned out. I get to go to Ames tomorrow to pick her up. She probably thought I abandoned her. I'm looking forward to having her home. I left her my coat so she would have something that smelled like home. Hopefully the incontinence is fixed, but at least all the health risks with the ectopic uretur are gone and any dripping we have now could be addressed with medication if necessary. Have Roscoe and Bazel started playing yet or is Roscoe still a bit afraid?
  • Kristen

    Snow...say it isn't so...I'll bet the play will come with time. It took Fern a few months before she took any interest in toys. Now she responds to the sound of a squeaker along with the rest of them. She still doesn't play like the rest of them...but she is learning. I'll bet one day you will walk into a room to discover the two little corgis wrestling. They just won't be able to help themselves. I'm looking forward to picking up Fern tomorrow afternoon. It is a four hour drive there and four hours back so it will make for a long day.
  • Dragster and Bailee

    Hi! I love Roscoe!! Your story made me cry. Im glad he's a trooper. Its because of all the love he gets.
  • Laura K.

    Happy belated birthday to Roscoe! Also thanks so much for taking care of such a special little guy. It's so wonderful to know there are wonderful people out there to take care of dogs with special needs. :)
  • Mike Hammer

    Hi, Thanks for the ad! We have seven Corgis in all. Lucky, Penny, Rizzo, Sandy, Frenchy and Resse. visit us at
  • Kristen

    Penny I love your new pictures. The Faerie garden is so fun! Roscoe looks like a little puppy. Hard to believe he is two. Love the new little guy. Good news here. Fern is sitting in my lap as I type. No diaper no towel and no drips! Her personality is blossoming. I had no idea how her health problems had affected her personality.I'm so glad we got it all figured out. She is still a bit shy around strangers, but even that is changing. She is going to the office with me tomorrow so she can go to the vet in the afternoon to get her staples out. Such a big incision on a little girl. She goes back to Iowa State next Friday for her post op evaluation. I will be interested in how she soes at the office...interacting with strangers all day. I will probably take her over to the Capitol tomorrow as well.
  • Kristen

    Brodie is a real cartoon. He looks like a lanky teenager. He is a real lover though. I really need to get some pictures downloaded. He is pretty good at responding to commands, but he has moments when he is so happy he just doesn't know what to do with himself. Just a constant wiggle. I just love the little guy. All four of the corgis are getting along so well. We haven't had a fight since Lizzie lost her weight...hmm crabby when fat. Those eight pounds made a big difference. They are all outside now "team" chasing cats. I probably should end the fun. We are looking for snow tomorrow.
  • Carrie & Chad

    Thank you for your support. We are sure she will be fine but its stressful not to know what is wrong with her. I see that you have a Corgi that struggles with a condition. That awesome. Shows that they are such a tough breed.
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    I can't believe your Penny ate all that food! Was she ok or did she get sick? I bet she had a belly ache lol That sounds like something Riley would do he was a pig. He used to grab cookies our of the little kids hands because my mom had an at home daycare. They would cry and then my mom would have to send him to bed because he was bad. Animals are so funny!
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    I am so sorry. I will keep penny in my prayers. Keep me updated on her. I went to a corgi party without Riley but still had a good time. I got to play with a bunch of corgi's and one little girl corgi followed me all around. They had the party for corgi aide.There was even a corgi there in a wheel chair but that didnt stop him from running around!
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    I love your Halloween photo of your pups dressed up! Also the garden photos. Is the deer photo from your back yard?
  • Kristen

    Penny. I hope you have a great Thanksgiving as well. Sarah will be home, but unfortunately Emily will not. I'm looking forward to foucsing on something other than work!
  • Kristen

    Hey Penny, just checking in. How was your Thanksgiving? I have my annual meeting this week with my entire membership so I am out of town. My husband went to Atlanta so my babies are home alone with a "puppy sitter" checking in on them three times a day. I'm having a little bit of stress over that. I'm done tomorrow at noon and it will be a three hour drive home. Can't come soon enough. Take care
  • Mike Hammer

    Hi Penny, We have several Corgis. Lucky, Penny, Sandy, Rizo, Frenchy and Reese. I don't have all of there pics posted yet. Visit us at
  • Kristen

    Oh Penny, how frigtening for you. Thank goodness you got to her in time. Talk about stress! Totaled the thankful they weren't hurt seriously. I always worry about my girls on our gravel. We have four miles to pavement. It can get pretty bad when it rains or snows--thatnkfully no accidents -- that I ever heard about!. So now they have to worry about a new car. I'll bet they both feel it more tomorrow. Things like this feel like they can take years off our lives...We are having a fairly warm day so I was out putting christmas lights upon the fence. Dogs are content., they found a discarded deer carcass and have hauled all kinds of lovely treats into the yard. Lovely.

    I think it was al itttle stressfull for the dogs while I was gone. Someone chewed onh an antique cabinet and there were a few tell tell puddles. They survived, but I think I would have to do things differently next time. THe only other time both Craig and I have been gone at the same time is in the summer and at least one of the girls has been home with them for the overnights. One of the bad things about having livestock and is hard to get away.

    Emily will be home next weekend, but not over Christmas. I am so excited to see her. Just her this tme no fiance. Sarah will be home the middle of next wee through new years. We may try to go skiing while she is back. I haven't been skiing in almost 20 years! I always enjoy hearing from you. --Kristen
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    How is little Roscoe doing? It has been awhile since I have been on here. Hope you are doing good. I am doing ok it's a little sad for christmas because Riley won't be here this year but at least I know he is ok now. Talk to you later
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    I'm sorry about you loosing family:(I'm glad Penny is ok that is scary! Poor thing! I did donate to a pet cancer center for my dear Riley. That made me feel really good and I hope that they one day may find a cure or at least something that slows the cancer down. Glad Roscoe is doing good, he is such a cutey!
  • Lisa P from WV

    Wow, never a dual moment at your house! I am soo glad that your Penny is ok...and Roscoe is such a cutie pie! He is very lucky to have such a caring person to love and take care of him! I hope to see his 3rd birthday posted next year! Do the 2 dogs get along well?
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Thank you for pointing that out to me I didn't realize the necklace was so close to my heart. That is neat. I really hope if I get another pup next year I can get them to learn some of Riley's tricks because I really miss him talking to me! He was such a vocal dog making all sorts of noises. Does Roscoe do that>?
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    That's great that you know what I'm talking about "the corgi talk"Roscoe sounds like such a character!Wish I could meet him!Maybe one day you might have a video of him on here:). Hope you have a merry christmas and happy new year! Give Roscoe hugs...I am trying to type to you here and my kitty Sadie is walking all over the keyboard and standing in front of the computer screen..Pets are so funny!
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Hope you had a good couple of holidays! Mine were's just sooo much family in one day you know!! lol The kitties had fun taking toys out of their stockings and we had a fence put up for the new pup whenever we get him next year! I am excited! Did you have stockings for all of your pups?
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    I wanted to ask you what dog food you recommend? I use science diet for the cats and I think it is pretty good food so I was thinking of using it for the new puppy when I get him. The breeder says sometime after feb 4th we can pick him up! I can't wait! I hope he can learn some of Riley's tricks but I know they will never be the same.
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    The countdown begins! Two weeks from now a puppy! I am so excited!
  • Kristen

    Penny, haven't heard from you in a while. I hope all is going well and the furkids and non-furkids are all well. We had an inch of snow today and it is still coming down. I hope to get out of the office in just a couple of minutes.
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Thanks so much! I am sorry about your dad I will keep you in my prayers. My grandmother has 1st stage of alzheimers and it is hard to take! She is still remembering a lot though. Little Koby is a boy and I will be getting him in Feb. I will try to send a picture.

  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Yes he is a butterball! I hope that I won't have to start dieting for him this young!
  • Donna

    Hi Penny,
    It's been a while - hope all is well with Roscoe - We have been greatly enjoying the sunny weather here in northern california - but the rains have come - i suppose we need it since they're calling for major drought - hope our well holds. Anyway, just wanted to check in and see how the little guy was doing - take care - Donna & Bella
  • Kristen

    I'm so glad to hear from you. It is cold here, ice and snow flurries. Puppies are all doing well, taking them to a fundraiser--wine tasting called a Whine Social--taste wine and bring your dog! First non-work related event I've been to in a long time! I don't hear from Emily (my oldest in FL) more than once a week--that frustrates me. Sarah is playing in a softball tournament this week in Florida and she is having a great time. I'm glad to hear that your dad is doing well. The dogs are great brain stimulation! Seems like we met about this time last year...pining for warm weather to get out in the garden. I am at the stage right now. Constant stream of muddy paws through my kitchen! Wouldn't trade it away though. Take care!
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Hey I know what you mean. We live on a dirt road too and it gets really muddy sometimes. I have taken Koby for a couple walks but until he has his final set of shots I am limiting it. How little Roscoe?We are still having trouble potty training but he isnt doing too bad! He leaves presents for me now and then if you know what I mean.
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Hey thats how I make it on those tough days too! You just gotta laugh. I am keeping my fingers crossed its been a week since I have had a present left for me..if you know what I mean:) I am so excited this saturday there is a corgi roundup!
  • Corgibyassociation

    Hi Penny, I stumbled upon your site and discovered Roscoe. I hope he's doing well. Hope you are doing well too!
  • Kristen

    Penny, how are you!? It has been a while. I don't get on MyCorgi all that often. Work is too busy...I need a life change! I've been thnking about you as I watch my spring bulbs popping out of the ground! Emily has decided to go back to school...yay...lets hope it sticks! Sarah was home over the Easter was hard having her head back today. I stayed home from work so we could hang out. How is your dad doing? The dogs are all foing well.How are Roscoe, Penny and Bazel? I know how busy you must be, but I hope that you will be able to spend time in the garden soon. When is the wedding? Take care.--Kristen
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    How are things going? Koby is getting big! I am keeping busy here...I am sure you are as well. Koby is 4 months old now and in two weeks he is getting fixed! I hope he doesn't act strange afterward. My neighbor says her dog is acting funny since surgery...
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Yeah we are doing good here. May 12th is the surgery day I will keep u updated. What food do you feed Roscoe? Is it special or anything? Koby was eating natural balance sweet potatoes and fish He loves it but his breath!!! ahhh I bought a tooth brush and have been brushing his teeth lol
  • Kristen

    Hi Penny! Good to hear from you. I did not get an email from you last week You might try my work email ( How is your dad doing? Was it his heart again? Is he home? I think about you often and hope that all of this isn't putting too much stress on you. Keeping you in my prayers. How scary for Bazel to be mauled by a pack of great danes..I know how frightening it can be. Poor Audrey. When Basil was alive he had been mauled by a large dog. Puncture wounds on his neck and all the skin peeled back on one of his ears. I just felt so helpless when Basil was being shaken back and forth. I thought he was dead. I can't imagine what it would have been like with three such big dogs. Basil seemed unphased by all all of it in the long run. They are amazingly adaptable. I bought one of those inflatable cones for Fern after her surgery, but I got the wrong size and took it back. She didn't bother her stitches so I didn't get another, but even too big it was better than the cone. Poor Corgis are so short that they catch those plastic cones on everything. The inflatable was pretty expensive if I remember right, but if I needed one again i would buy it. I bought mine at PetSmart. Our golden/black lab cross Tess died on Monday night. We had her for 16 years...She passed quietly at home. Sad, but we were so lucky to have her for so long. Sorry to ramble on. Always good to hear from you.
  • Kristen

    Penny, sorry for such a a slow reply. did you find out if your dad could do the carotid stents? Thank goodness you had him move in with you! How is all of this affecting his Alzheimers? Hope Bazel is still on the road to recovery. Has any of the hair started growing back? Infection under control? Hopefully not still doing daily vet visits? You are spending way too much time in medical facilities...both human and pet. Hopefully this last week was completely uneventful. I am probably going to be looking to you for some advice. We just took in a little blind Corgi...not completely blind. She has juvinile cataracts and her vision is severely limited, she gets around well, but does scare easily. She hates the leash, but we are working on it. She and Roscoe would be great playmates. I feel like I am a crazy woman for taking in another dog, but she broke my heart. It is too bad we live so far apart we could have a lot to talk about over a pot of coffee!
  • Tabitha Sparks

    i think people like you make the world a better place. thank you for giving penny a good home.
  • Tabitha Sparks

    oops, i meant to say Roscoe