

Lancaster, NY

United States

Profile Information:

Western NY
About Me:
I live in NY with my three corgis and husband.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I got Dakota in May 2008 from a breeder about an hour away from me. She was the most amazing dog- she camed completely house trained and has the most amazing disposition- even as a puppy she rarely barked and was very calm.

The breeder we got Dakota from contacted me, saying someone had to give up one of her past puppies. It turns out he has the same parents as Dakota, he was just born in the litter before hers! He truly is a brother to her. :o) We have had him since September and they get along great. Their newest favorite game is dive-bombing each other in the snow!

Ryley is a tri corgi we got from the same breeder that Dakota and Tanner came from. She is my little troublemaker and likes to instigate things. She definitely keeps me on my toes!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Jenn and Dakota, and congratulations on your new addition!
  • Edward and Gemima

    HI Jenn and Dakota, I'm Edward. I have a big sis Gem 9mos old so I know how much fun it can be to have 2 corgi's. Check out our profile and drop us a growl!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Sidney thanks you for complimenting his tail. We love it too; never had a clue corgis were born with tails until we met him. Whenever we are in the position to get another corgi, we hope we can find another undocked one.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Joanna, Rainy and Calvin

    Hello, Hello Jenn and Dakota! Dakota is a very sweet corgi. I LOVE the first two pictures of her laying down and looking all sweet and cuddly. Aren't corgis the greatest? We ARE neighbors as far as I am concerned and I am so happy to see other WNY owners on here (who also like the Sabres - yes, I saw the picture posted with you guys in the attire with the corgi). If we ever get the Clarence Center Corgi Parade off the ground, you will HAVE to come and be a part of the excitement! Hooray for corgis!
  • Nicole, Stanley and STELLA!

    I was looking at the pictures of Dakota, and she looks A LOT like my puppy, Stella!! Stella's definitely not calm, though! I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble with the dog you plan to adopt. Maybe if you keep them separate it would help. My roommate has an older dog (she's 13) and we have had to be really patient socializing them. Stella still stays primarily in her playpen. I realize it's a different situation (I have never added a rescue dog), but I just thought I'd share. I know that people say that dogs "work things out" but they actually need a lot of structure, some more than others depending on their background. Hopefully you'll get a lot of good advice on the site. You might want to talk to the breeder about it too. I hope it works out!

  • Deanna