Vicki and Christina Brown


Cocoa, FL

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
We purchased our 1st corgi male named Dingo 5 years ago. Our second corgi was the female puppy of a freinds Corgi. Her name is Miabell and we call her Mimi for short. She is 3 years old now. They are the loves of our lives.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
The best purchase I have ever done for myself.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Edward and Gemima

    sending stumpy wags and puppy kisses from Edward and Gemima!!!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Vicki, CHristina, Mimi and Dingo!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Roger/Laurie

    Tenby and the cats have a love/hate relationship. One minute they are sleeping together and the next he is chasing them. When he catches them he gently holds them by the neck and gives them a massage. When they have had enough they tell him, he lets go and everyone is happy. Chepstow is very handsome, stoic, suave and well behaved. We call him James Bond, Tenby is goofy, crazy and loveable, we call him Columbo.
  • Edward and Gemima

    Thanks Vicki, just between you and me, I'm addicted to that sweet, salty Crazy Corgi smell!!! Ha Ha!!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    LOL @ my cleaning secrets. Well for never ends and you only get short breaks if any. Well groomed dogs that get exercised well outside so they settle indoors and vacuum and sweep everyday. I also vacuum or blow the dogs hair coat often. Which is something I am needing to do today. =( That is the biggest con to Corgis...could you imagine how spectacular they would be if they didn't shed as much as they do? A dream
  • Deb , Gretzky, and Norman

    Thank you for the greeting. Dingo and Mimi look adorable. My husband and I have gotten so attached to Gretzky. He's been with us almost 1 year now. He is 7 yr. old. I still can't believe what "chow hound" he is.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    I don't vacuum them every day but once in awhile I do if I can't take the blower to them to get all the loose hairs and dust out of their coat. You can groom til your blue in the face and then take the blower to them and see what still comes out. UGH!!! Cuts down on the dust in your house and makes the groomings last longer so you don't have to vacuum all the time. I use our Kirby or a shop vac on them for vacuuming and then I blow w/a dog blower which cost about $150.00 with the one I went with from

    Ur corgis are amazin
  • Hilary MacFarlane

    Buddy does not belong to me, as much as I would love to adopt a corgi, my husband does not want another dog right now (we live in an apartment). Thanks for your comment! :)
  • Judi, Dawn, Soffie & Griffyn

    Thanks! Looking forward to seeing you at the Florida Corgi Picnic! It's so much fun!!!
  • Michele Price

    Hi Vicki!
    Thanks for the welcome! Love the pictures around the pool, and the muddy corgi is a classic :-).
    DM is degenerative myelopathy. It is a disease that is prevalent in the corgi breed. It is equivalent to ALS or Lou Gehrigs disease in humans. It causes a progressive paralysis of corgis. It's a disease well worth learning about, there is lots of information about it on the internet, or I am happy to tell you more about it if you want more information!
  • Michele Price

    Patton is my first corgi, but I will always have one from now on! He is my heart and soul...watching him become debilitated from the DM is absolutely heartbreaking, But he's a resilient little guy - takes it all in stride.
    Your guys cannot get DM from an injury. This is a genetic disease. I am hoping that more breeders will start testing for it (they developed a test about a year ago), This way we can eradicate the disease over the next few generations of corgis. Here's hoping!
    I should have more pictures of Patton over the next few weeks!
  • Christine Jones

    Hello! Blizzard and Sooner are my first Corgis of any flavor really, Cardi or Pem. They are also the first dogs I ever paid for...the first purebreds...and the absolute best money ever spent! I would have glady spent 10 times what I did for the joy they bring! =)
  • Christine Jones

    Most people around here have never seen a Corgi so they are quite the conversation when we're out and about! We've had people take their pix, ask tons of questions, etc. They defintely cause a stir. They make people laugh! =)
  • Jane Christensen

    Thank you for the pic comment and I love your pics too...especially the one that got "dirty" mine come back looking like that....isn't it amazing how fast they their white turns white again...although then my floor needs sweeping! I love puppy pics also...I could look at them for hours...doesn't matter who's they are!
  • Cathy Simonton

    Herb is an australian cattle dog mix??? We've actually heard a little corgi from our vet along with beagle, shiba inu, shepherd, and kelpie! He's a mixed bag for sure!
  • J. L.

    Thanks for the welcome. I'm hoping to learn more about these little guys. (there my first corgis). Great pictures. Mine are so hard to photograph.