Judi, Dawn, Soffie & Griffyn


Naples, Fl. & Square Pond Me.

United States

Profile Information:

Naples, Florida
About Me:
Dawn and I live in Naples Florida with our 2 Corgis Soffie & Griffyn. I'm a bookkeeper and Dawn produces slideshow presentations.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Soffie, our red and white turned 8 in December 2013. We bought her from a breeder in Dade City. We had actually picked her sister from pictures but when we got there Soffie spoke to us and the rest is history! She is our intelligent one. Sometimes she’s probably too smart for OUR own good. She has been through beginners obedience and received her CGC. We also have done a little Rally and she actually qualified to get her first Akc Title RN!

We grew together and after a year we knew we wanted another one and so we found Griffyn (our tri) in Lecanto. He was 7 in January 2014. He is our laid back clown! (But he also wants us to be sure to tell you that he’s finished beginners obedience and has his CGC too!) We brought Soffie with us to meet him when he was 6 weeks old. We wanted to be sure they would be good together. We had picked him out from pictures too and when we got there he somehow immediately knew he belonged to us!! Soffie was a little skeptical at first, but at the same time curious about all the puppies and especially Griffyn! He was relentless and didn't care how hard she tried to ignore him! He knew he was going to be part of this family. We went back a few weeks later and brought him home with us.

They have a pretty typical sister/brother relationship. She tells him what to do, he say's make me.... and she does!!! But..... every once in a while, he get's the upper hand and she gives in!!

It's fun to see the similarities in them that is the breed and the differences that is their personalities!
I have:

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  • Keri&Merlin(Judy&Alan's Pups)

    Hey,It's Judy out in Ca.Was perusing thru the medical articles here ,and saw that one of your corgi babies has had trouble in the knee department.Our Merlin went tearing down a sanddune 3 days ago and ripped his acl.He's our 18 month old pup.Urgent care vet has Him on Medacam until Our consultation with a surgeon next Tues 1/13.Nothing is worse than having a corgi You know is in pain,but doesn't show it.If You don't mind,can Yoo give Us some advise on how to approach this??Total shock and don't want to make a mistake

    in a young corgi's life.Thank You all so much ahead of time!!

  • Keri&Merlin(Judy&Alan's Pups)

    Thanx for the words of incouragement.At this stage,it's just hard to contain His young

    energy.We had a great blue Heron visit our pond yesterday and He REALLY wanted to help Keri chase it away!

  • Carrie Baxter

    2nd Friday of every month. Weather permitting.