

Brooklyn, NY

United States

Profile Information:

Pittsburgh, PA
About Me:
I love Corgis! I was born in Pittsburgh, PA and went to college in Boston, MA. Isabella and I have been best buddies since 2008 after I graduated college. We moved together to be with my husband and now live in Brooklyn, NY and love visiting parks around the city.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
- Born 4/24/2008
- Tri-color female
- Big ball of fluffy energy
- Loves squeaky toys!
- Destroyer of anything made of paper or has a hint of food smell.
- Big personality, loves to herd large groups of people in our back yard.

- Born 10/19/1998
- Smaller than normal. She was the only pup from her litter and is undersize. We love her to bits, though and we love that she's small.
- She loves to chase light. OBSESSED with it, though. My dad got her hooked on it when she was a puppy when he brought home a laser pointer. When the new puppy comes I told him he wasn't allowed to do that. :(
- She herds us whenever we're getting to leave the house and has almost tripped us many times.
- She has a very interesting growl besides her normal bark. When she wants different things, such as food or for going outside, she will make different sounds. I haven't heard other dogs do this before!
- Crossed the Rainbow bridge February 2011
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Rachel and family!
  • Reese

    Thanks!! I had to find a song to overlay my voice in the background... I thought it was a good fit. =)
  • melanie

    so that's how Rocky(my puppy) is going to look like in a matter of time. Izzie so cute!, what kind of kibble do you feed her, because her coat his really nice and shiny.
  • Trice

    Thanks Rachel! You have a cutie yourself! This website is awesome. =)
  • Mariana

    Oh my goodness! I've been looking for Ofie's siblings! I'm so excited to have found her half sister! My sister's mother-in-law has an Amy/Billy puppy from the same litter! I'll try to get photos for you, or try to get her to joing the site so she can show you.
  • Tauna and Kota

    Izzy is soo pretty! How far are you and that park from where I will be located? I'm still trying to figure out where everything is... lol. It would be cool if we could go there!