Kendal & Bleu (Chris & Randy)


Cedar Park, TX

United States

Profile Information:

Danbury, CT For Chris..... Austin, TEXAS for Randy
About Me:
My husband & I got our first Corgi back in Sept '06, Kendal is a very loving tri-corgi that we got at six months old from a rescue in Kyle. We have a new addition "Bleu Diamond". Born 5/22/09 and adopted 8/11/09 thanks to Bleu is fitting in well with Kendal and Casey and enjoying all the new sights and sounds of his new home.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Kendal is a 3 year old tri Corgi, his best friend is Casey an 8 year old Daushund. Kendal is the best cat herder in town, but he doesn't want you to know he also likes to sleep with the kitties and clean them. Kendal also herds Casey all day telling him where to go and what to look at. Kendal is timid with strangers and new things, his favorite thing in the world is catching his red ball, his record is 12 in a row, I swear he can hear where the ball is going to land, we should have named him Radar! If there was a Corgi baseball team, he would be the Derek Jetter! We love Kendal so much, he has brightened up our lives and is always so happy about everything. Also, Kendal has a tongue similar to Gene Simmons from KISS! Bleu has a beautiful Blue Coat and steel blue eyes and is a very grown up 10 week old Corgi He loves the ball like Kendal and had his first trip to Petsmart last night for the essentials including a swimming pool since he was sitting in the water cooler outside!

Now we have 2 Corgi's to march in the Austin Celtic Festival Parade behind the Bagpiper! Kendal likes this......
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Marion and Vern

    Welcome Kendal, Casey, Chris and Randy. enjoyed your pictures. hope you enjoy the site. I know I do.
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Kendal, Chris and Randy! You are right about that! Kendal sounds like one awesome dog. You guys were lucky to have found each other.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Meagan loves to jump and play w/that thing. I hook it higher and she'll sit there jumping up and down in circles to try and get it. She makes me dizzy. LOL
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Welcome! : )
  • A & P

    Kendal is very good looking! Plus he is a ball lover as well!
  • Bev Levy

    Thanks! My daughter lives in Leander! Small world,huh. Your guys look cute too. Sparty's favorite game is to catch the ball when you toss it to him too.
  • mae schneider

    Thank you :)
  • Arrow and Pengu

    Pengu ia always excited to see a fellow bluie! Thanks for the friend invite!
  • Lady Bug (Michelle)

    Welcome to the group, so glad you could join us!
  • GoGoRainbow

    new group for blue corgis!
  • Tobias, Meiko, & Marshall

    little bleu is adorable = )
  • Kimberly

    Thanks for joining! My Blue is 10 weeks old now. Aren't they just the prettiest pups! Your little Bleu is tooo cute. We could make great babies ;)
  • Kimberly

    I got her in Austin. I think we should check their papers and make sure they aren't related. Can you imagine what beautiful puppies they would have!? I am planning on at least one litter. They are so striking and unusual that I just can't help myself. I have to breed her.
  • Kimberly

    Wow! We have siblings. I didn't realize all that. I was going to start doing a bit of my own research in the next week (while I had some time off), but it seems you have already done it. I know Sweetie has 2 inguinal hernias but the vet said they were very small and would probably close on their own. The rest is all news to me. Thanks for the heads up. It looks like more research is needed. Have a good holiday weekend.
  • Kimberly

    Well I think we should get them together soon. I would love to see if they remember each other. How about Monday at Macallister park? Maybe around 10:00 before it gets too hot and or crowded. Let me know.
  • Kimberly

    Oh sorry. I didn't look and thought you were in SA. Next time i come up to Taylor I will give you a shout. Hopefully soon.
  • Connie Uliasz

    Yup, your gorgeous pup is blue alright! I read somewhere that if you're not sure if your blue will stay blue when he grows up, you just need to take a look at the leather on his nose. If it's black, then he'll turn black when he gets his adult coat in. If it's steel gray, he's a bluie.
  • Kimberly

    I am so glad to hear that. Our kids are too cute any way. I have already told mine that I didn't care if she was inbread "I love her anyway" :)