
40, Female

San Antonio, TX

United States

Profile Information:

San Antonio, TX
About Me:
My name is Kelly and I am going to Pharmacy school to become a pharmacist while my husband work work works. We may start our own independent pharmacy and he will run the business part! We met in college (TAMU) where we were Physics lab partners our second semester. We did not start dating until the last semester before we graduated. A great love story ^_^. We both enjoy anime, video games, sports, outdoors, and family.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
^^^^See how she's grown in my flickr collection^^^

I have been wanting a corgi since I was quite young, and when I married my husband I found out he too liked corgis and that we both preferred Red and Whites ^_^ so after nearly a year of searching (and a few mistakes) we brought home our perfect pup (on Nov 29, 2008), whom we named The Baroness Von Pooka! She LOVES to play frisbee and fetch a ball, but we also do lots of training and so far she knows:
lie down
roll over
spin around
high five
jump up + bark "dance and sing"
drop it
play dead "pyew pyew!"
circle my legs "circle me"
back up
beg "sit like people"
lift right paw, then left paw, then right, then left

A very smart Pooka. We are working on Close the Door after she pushes one open.
I have:

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  • Rebecca Marie O'Bryan

    lol i bet u do:) she sure is a cutie
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi there!

    Awhile ago there was a discussion on leashes that someone was going to buy for their corgi and I cant remember what kind it was but I remember liking it alot and wanting to get one for Lance. I cant find the discussion. Were you going to get Pooka a new leash for Christmas and if yes which one? Thanks for your help :)
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Christmas meaning 2009**