
54, Female

New Mexico

United States

Profile Information:

Eunice, New Mexico
About Me:
I am a teacher; married; one son and daughter-in-law, one grandson - born on June 2, 2009; 3 corgis and 1 cocker spaniel.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Zia was born on August 15, 2006, Zeke and Zack were born on February 14, 2007. Zip, my cocker, was born on December 22, 1998.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Hi ZdogZ! Welcome to MyCorgi.com! Invite all your corgi friends and start a local meetup group in your area!
  • Silvia Li

    Welcome aboard Zdogz! Enjoy your stay!!
  • D46

    I tell you the boy gets around doesn't he? Loool I hope the Z's didn't pick up much weight yesterday-more importantly that Kristi didn't!!
  • disraeli ears

    Hey guys! How are you? Andy and I are doing ok - as good as we can right now. :)
    Zip has the same birthday as my Lab, Tess (who lives with my Mom in San Angelo) - she will be 13 this year! You can check out her dogster page to see a recent picture of her. She's so gray!
  • Lady Bug (Michelle)

    Welcome! So glad you could join us!
  • Lady Bug (Michelle)

    You're welcome! I thought Ziggy might be appreciated with the whole theme and all! LOL
  • disraeli ears

    Merry Christmas, ya'll! :) Tess says thanks for the birthday wishes.

    I will be flying to Houston tomorrow to spend time with my Dad's side of the family. Unfortunately, I can't make it to San Angelo, too...don't know when I'll get back there. But my Mom came to visit me in DC two months ago, so it's ok.

    Hope you have a great one...stay warm! Tana & Andy
  • D46

    A very Merry Christmas to you and all the Z's!! Hope you guys have a great day tomorrow and that you gain five pounds this weekend!! (Teasing).
  • D46

    Gaining is far more fun than trying to loose it so, we may as well just keep it!! Loool Have a great time with your family today and pig out one and all!!
  • Sam Tsang

    Thank you for the sweet note :) You have an awesome day too!
  • rOdeO dAwGgs

    Thanks for the add!! Look forward to chatting about our dogs!
  • Brenda and Gary

    Thank you for the kinds words during this hard time.
  • Deanna

    Oh, Zeke, Zia, and Zack are so adorable! I'm so glad to "meet" another triple corgi parent! Zip is amazing, the kindness and love he has for the other three -- what a diverse collection of breeds and personalities! I love your #52 of 63 pic -- the 3 Corgis looking out the window! How do you keep them all in line when walking? Getting Frankie 2 weeks ago, and now Ladybug just yesterday, everything is still so new, and they want to wander off in their own direction -- usually opposite of each other -- all the time. They both know that Topaz is alpha, but establishing the hierarchy with the new little ones is challenging.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Holy moly..I'd be so tongue tied w/those names. LOL You must be awesome at tongue twisters.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Thank you. Isn't that exciting?? It would be nice for you to meet Marion, Vern, and Sami. Did she tell you how they came up w/Sami's name?
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's


  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Awww..sorry to hear you not feeling well. My Easter was great. The kids had a great time and it was a relaxing enjoyable day. Now its back to the grind of things. hehe

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    You just keep taking care of yourself and relax. I bet the dogs help make you feel alittle bit better as well. I love to snuggle w/mine. I sometimes think too much and cause insomnia but if I pull them up on the bed w/me to cuddle w/them it relaxes me and usually fall back to sleep. I think the husband gets jealous. LOL
  • Marion and Vern

    Hey ZdogZ in a few hours hopefully you can waive as the plane goes over Texas! She has been left in cargo and we will know in about an hour if she has taken off. This is just waaaaay to exciting! I love it.
  • Marion and Vern

    Hello, sorry it took me so long to get back to you. Sami is keeping us on our toes! She is doing great. She has decided the word no is not to be spoken to her, it is a word for mere mortals not divas such as herself. lol She will argue a blue streak to anyone who utters the word in her presence! But then I wanted a strong willed pup and that is exactly what we got. We couldn't love her more and then each day we do. She is funny, loveable, cuddly and smart as can be. Well time to finish getting ready for work (yuk). Talk to you later and thanks for asking about Sami.
  • Larry W.

    I would like to know more about the 2 male corgies PLEASE!! shoot me an email to my public account, deuce616 gmail.. Any photos would be appreciated. Any idea of parents breeds, by that I mean are they half corgi, half something else and if so what?

  • Marion and Vern

    Good to hear from you. She sure is getting big. So do you have a grandbaby yet? We are enjoying Sami sooooo much. Have heard from Wendy on her siblings, even seen pictures of her sisters. She says that Lucy & Zoey are so well behaved and smart. Well Sami is pretty good girl and she is learning but probably not as fast as her sisters. They are not as strong willed as our Sami, boy does she have a mind of her own and an opinion about everything, LOL. It does make it more satisfying when she will finaly do what ever we are trying to teach her. She goes in this next Tuesday to be spayed. Can't help but worry a little. We have all the faith in the world in our vet and the hospital but still can't help but worry. They will be keeping her over night, there are techs there around the clock to keep an eye on her. When we took Tedi there in the wee hours of the morning after his siezure they all looked wide awake not the least bit sleepy or as if they had been awakend. Plus we will visit Sami Tuesday late afternoon or so. Well good to talk to you again. Please keep in touch with all the news from your corner of the world. LATER.
  • Marion and Vern

    Hey! How are you doing? Boy you got that right about running and jumping! Should have told the vet never mind the pain pills give me tranquilizers for her! Just this morning she pouted when hubby wouldn't play with her like normal. Then once I was up there was no stopping her, she frapped all over the back yard. But being the "Wise One" (hehe) I planned ahead, beef knuckle bones, need I say more. Has kept her quiet for a long time now plus they wear her out chewing and knawing on them. Her right canine is flopping around I hope I can see it come out and grab it before she eats it. Her left one already came out. Just think it would be neat to have one of her baby teeth. Man it is hot here, suppose to get up to 96 or so today but at least the humidity is going back down where it belongs. Hey is there a chance we will be seeing some pictures of that grandbaby on here any time soon? Hope so. LATER

  • Andrea

    Thanks for the info.
  • Deanna

  • Kristina

    That is too cool that we only live 2 hrs away. My Newman has been outside all day enjoying the cool breeze. Has it been cold where you are? Do your Corgis enjoy the cool weather also?
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Thank you for the birthday wish. How are you feeling? I hope your back to yourself again.